No one here gives any viable refutation of Thomas Aquinas’s
complete argument summarized at the above link.
My own consciousness has a cause, and is contingent in the chain of contingency ultimately a non-contingent Being. Therefore this Being must be intelligent. Must have a purpose. While philosophy can derive certain moral truths; it takes being connected to The Being Who is Not Contingent to find more existential truth that
cannot be merely derived being finite but a consciousness in the likeness and image of The Non-Contingent Being. Without this, persons fall into various degrees of arbitrary power over others. If I do not believe in ultimate Benevolence and Hope;
in Truth in Loving Kindness — then some type of callousness will be part of me.
Like fatalism. In free will, certain lives could have been saved
if we listened to God.
And in free will, as Providence happens, our main purpose in our individual lives;
is work toward doing
all in my power for the good of another and others in general.
No matter the sacrifice I must make.
Only Judaeo Christianity teaches this to the fullest. There is a certain futility and hopelessness in every other religion that I have ever learned about. Judaeo Christianity teaches desires in an of themselves are not to be annihilated for example; only ordered to the good, welfare, and need of another, and others in general. Judaeo Christianity doesn’t teach some kind of oscillating caste system
creation that goes on forever. That would be futile; and not have purpose, and not have ultimate empathy in solidarity to the suffering to alleviate suffering.
Yes, their are tenets of live thy neighbor as thyself in other religions. But Judaeo Christianity, by Revelation from Above through Jesus CHRIST in the FORM of a Man, One in Divine Being With God; by having Both a Divine Nature and Human
Nature — opened The Way to comprehend God and God’s Desire for Living as best
a person is able in Covenant Relationship with God Who Is Self Sufficient; so
living this Covenant doesn’t add or detract from God, but shows trust, appreciation,
and a willingness to be like God, to truly selflessly love our neighbors.
Every created sentient consciousness knows this came from somewhere.
So everyone begins with faith; then hopes for betterment; then exhibits true charity
for others or not. Yes, I realized that Jesus Christ allows that history showed many
not living up to what He gives — and states of lack of knowledge due to this; but
it is only by His Merits that
anyone can make it to Eternal Peace and Joy forever.
And only God knows hearts. Only God knows who, for love of ego, makes excuses
to deny the Divine Revelation, to live as they wish, even if they gloss it over with charitable works and self importance; while excusing themselves for other things opposed to God and life.
I pray, of course, that more know Jesus Christ personally through His Church; but I pray all heed His Call for Salvation. Always connected to God.