Pressure is observable in its effects, like air pressure. Put your hand out a car window on a windless day and you will feel the pressure of the air.
Indeed. Your first sentence is quite correct. But pressure isn’t a theory in itself. It’s the momentum of (for example) molecules of gas in a fixed volume (with velocity equalling temperature and quantity equalling density).Some might say that is only a theory related to water in gravity environments and certainly not provable since questions may be raised about how the same gravity interacts with the the instruments used to measure such supposed “pressure” of a non-compressible liquid. Indeed, is not “pressure” a theorized concept?
Which is observable, repeatable and predictable. and gravity too, Macro-Evolution - not so much…such as Boyle’s Law
Like these? Here are just a few gems from Brother Brad’s Traveling Evolutionists Show: (Warning to rational theists: Reading these repeatedly may cause severe headaches.)Theories can’t be passed on as facts. They are different things. If someone does so, tell them they are very wrong.
When our line of descent split from the line that produced chimps then we went on our merry way …
But the DIRECT line from that split to us gradually evolved to the point where we undoubtedly and obviously …
Man, as we are right at this moment, has a lineage that stretches back to a point where the line split from the line …
They can be hard enough to identify in oneself, let alone find words to describe them.Can one prove a feeling?
That makes no sense to me.That is “true” only for those who subscribe to such a school of thought. Others, now and in the past share no such perspective on the theory of “pressure.”
Like these? Here are just a few gems from Brother Brad’s Traveling Evolutionists Show: (Warning to rational theists: Reading these repeatedly may cause severe headaches.)Theories can’t be passed on as facts. They are different things. If someone does so, tell them they are very wrong.
When our line of descent split from the line that produced chimps then we went on our merry way …But the DIRECT line from that split to us gradually evolved to the point where we undoubtedly and obviously …Man, as we are right at this moment, has a lineage that stretches back to a point where the line split from the line …
That’s a fact. The theory inherent in the observation involves the relationships within fluids, conceptualized as force, distance and gravity, which in this case means only that things are pulled downwards. A theory doesn’t have to stretch the imagination, presenting the world as different form the appearance while utilizing concepts we do know, in this case as the momentum of particles. We don’t need these models until we start breaking down the basic elements of the simpler theory.Pressure increases with depth in water.
More correctly, things with mass follow geodesics in the space-time manifold.gravity, which in this case means only that things are pulled downwards.
See how you did this. Let’s define species in a way that fits. LOLWatch buffalo find reasons to ignore the evidence in 3… 2… 1…
That old bug story again (11 years)?Yawn. Here, yet again is a paper I have already shown you …
Your comprehension skills are reaching all time lows. Or maybe it’s just memory loss.By now @bradski and @rossum had time to read the 132 papers they cited to evidence their case for macro-evolution.
Neither has produced the smoking gun paper. It should be obvious to all, there is no empirical evidence for macro-evolution. Macro-evolution is philosophy and risen to a dogmatic religion.
Aaaaand… there is buffalo’s excuse to ignore the evidence.Micro-evolution is real. Macro is not.