The difference in opinion as to whether man is an animal is obviously linked to the acceptance of an evolutionary view of creation. Beyond the semantics and morphologically based classifications, to me we are no more animals than animals are vegetables.
What a thing does, how it acts is the reality of how it exists. How it relates is what a thing is, be it an atom, a bacterium, a plant, animal or a person. And, what it does lies in the nature of its soul, or organizing principle that weaves material and psychological components together into a greater whole, the unitary being that is itself, existing as a part of something bigger.
CCC 365 The unity of soul and body is so profound that one has to consider the soul to be the “form” of the body. i.e., it is because of its spiritual soul that the body made of matter becomes a living, human body; spirit and matter, in man, are not two natures united, but rather their union forms a single nature.
Hylomorphism and duality are opposites and the idea of hylomorphic dualism would appear to be a contradiction. The soul is understood to be the form of the body and yet some aspect of it is supposed to be separable and capable of surviving beyond the death of the body. That would be the “dualism”, but there is no real dualism. The person remains one although, our constituent parts include knowledge and the capacity for entering into a direct two way relationship with God. That relationship remains after death, but to be fully human requires a body and hence a resurrection.
This can be a rather long discussion which would get back to the same points that I am trying to make that the fundamental and truest reality is the soul of a thing. There exists in nature a hierarchy of “souls”, the relationships or actions that are any particular thing. More complex souls are composed of those which isolated from the whole and on their own, would be less so. What we do and what we are as individual persons expressing the kind of thing we are, is composed of atoms and cells, organs, along with perceptions and feeling states. That we share some of these features with animals to my mind does not in any way mean that we are animals.