some guy getting swallowed by a whale
I couldn’t let this go by. Thank you for bringing up one of my favourite stories.
Let’s begin with how it reveals the Word of God. It speaks to His having chosen the Jews as the vehicle through whom He could establish a dialogue with all mankind. He demonstrates love for us all, the wicked and the faithful, and how, like Noah, we are all sinful, reluctant to do His will. As justice has it, the further we stray from doing His will, the poorer our lives; the greater the blessings we receive, the more is expected of us and the greater the suffering when we fail to give them fruit. The three days in the belly of the whale foretell the three days Jesus will spend in hell before His resurrection, and illustrate how, in our suffering, we too are reborn in His love.
Not only is it a totally coherent story that for me, speaks to the reality of certain events and the struggle of one person, but I believe it took place in time and space, on earth. In other words, it is historical.
As to why it’s my favourite story, I’d have to speak personally and it would take at least a couple of posts to scratch the surface. In a summary of the summary, suffice to say that when the people I knew thought of me as a Buddhist, the story was used as a sort of koan, to clear my mind of illusion. At a time when I again realized that my world view could not contain the reality that I had before me, and finding in Christianity its clearest description, the basic plan was to assume the story, the most bizarre that I could come up with, to be true and investigate what it was that caused me not to believe it. What did it actually mean and where did I come up with those concepts that gave rise to the conflict? What would be the nature of reality if it were true? Getting into every character was fairly easy, because they are so alive. That of Noah, I seemed to know from the inside, having spent a year in earthly hell as a result of a major acute episode, among other chronic health issues - life in the coldness of the belly of the beast, in an uncaring ocean, relentlessly pursuing its goal, that of survival - the meeting of my responsibilities one day at a time. Noah-in-the-whale, that was me. Needles to say, I was spit up on the shore with a different vision of reality, which I continue to pursue.