They both involve the creation of a kind of being.
All this that we are discussing is information. That information is an attempt to reflect the structure of the universe. Consider that structure as information-given-existence.
There is information that constitutes matter. Each atom can exist as itself or as part of a larger whole.
We are a larger unity that brings together all that information: atoms united as cells, brought together as the organ systems that constitute the person. This experience is one; a self perceives, feels, thinks and acts, as a relational being - the structure of the brain, and that of the universe united.
The person exists as a kind of being as does each individual atom. That which makes atoms what they are is relatively simple. Ours includes atoms existing as part of a greater whole (a soul) that shares with bacteria and plants, the capacity for life - the growth, development and reproduction made possible through the incorporation of matter which is other, into the formation of itself. We have in common with animals, perceptions, feelings and motion. But, we are a different kind of being, not simply temporal but rooted in eternity, having the capacity to know truth, goodness and beauty. You and I are one being in ourselves manifesting our particular version of humanity, in which we all come together as the body of Christ.
As you will no doubt say, that is not science. But, it is reality, and a science not rooted in reality cannot be trusted to provide us with the truth. Science is good for making things like gadgets and armaments; it has improved our corporal quality of life through medicine and technology. But, telling us who we are, based on the material knowledge we have acquired, it fails miserably. When we focus on who we are, which is essentially what is life, we have to go beyond what is the focus of modern science. Not doing so leaves us with only nonsense.