The natural sciences reveal the truth of the relationships that exist in the physical world. Human beings create stories and theories are attempts to bring together our findings into a coherent whole. We have been putting much effort Into finding links between relativity and quantum mechanics, that would enable us to create a unified theory of how the universe works. Evolutionary theory is one such story, fitting the tiles of scientific fact into a coherent mosaic. Unfortunately, it is being touted as fact, and that is something you have come to believe. There are other possibilities, but you chose to put your trust in what you have been taught, believing the mythos of our times, defining what we are, to be truth.No it’s not believe what i will. It’s the truth. If you can’t get that right, why should i trust anything you say about Evolution?
I am asserting that the same facts, the actual scientific data, stripped of the context of evolution in which it is presented in the literature, in schools and in the media, and understood from the perspective that God, Existence, is the true ground, the Central Truth of all that exists, a very different picture emerges - one of creation. Matter does not evolve. God brings it into being, as He did so at its beginning, in a step-wise fashion reflecting its hierarchical structure, as it ultimately is brought together, governed by God’s very spirit, to form the unity that is human being, self-other relationality, participating in its own creation to ultimately achieve communion, through and in Jesus Christ, within the Trinity.
I don’t ask anyone to trust me. Trust God and ask for the blessings of the Holy Spirit. Maybe what I am saying will make sense and maybe it won’t. I am retelling what makes sense to me when I read the scientific literature.