Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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I guess their must be something to Darwin’s “tree of life” if so many scientific minds think it’s true. But the trouble with a materialistic-naturalistic explanation of the history of life is that it attempts to explain a miracle - God is the author of life, after all - and using science to explain a miracle is futile.
That’s what I was getting at, people who don’t experience cognitive dissonance because they compartmentalize things or don’t bother thinking beyond what others tell them to believe.
After talking with many biologist over the years, it seems to me that from Biology 101, they’ve been indoctrinated with Dobzhansky’s delusion that Darwin’s tree of life is essential to biology. Evidently, as intelligent as they are, the vast majority of these biologists have never thought to question that dogma - for if they did, they’d realize that the D-tree is completely useless and irrelevant to applied science.
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How about Homer then? Homer is basically history, yet it contains details of the Greek gods. Does that make those gods true. The Mahabharata contains many details of the history of ancient India and the actions of the Hindu gods.

Details can be added to true stories and to fictional/legendary stories. The presence of detail does not indicate that a story is necessarily true. It may be true, it may not be.
Nothing else reads like the Bible. It has the ring of truth about it, imo.
We find old human bodies, that is how. I have already mentioned Ötzi the Ice Man, who died about 5,300 years ago and whose DNA has been sequenced. We also have older part sequences from Cro-Magnon remains: A 28,000 Years Old Cro-Magnon mtDNA Sequence Differs from All Potentially Contaminating Modern Sequences .
Thanks, this is a fascinating subject. How do we know that Otzi was actually 5300 years old and that Cro-Magnon was 28,000 years old? Carbon-14 dating?
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The improbability of evolution of life from non-life also explains the improbability of the evolution of species (altered DNA by random mutation). The earth/universe is just not old enough to support the theory of life from non-life. If the first life from non-life is virtually impossible then the question of how different forms of life came to be becomes almost meaningless.
But despite the “improbability of evolution of life from non-life” (the understatement of the century), atheist scientists (of which there seem to be many) believe life did in fact arise naturally from inanimate matter and then evolve into what we have today. This is why such scientists obsessively devote inordinate amounts of time and energy studying such things.
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everything that science is revealing is consistent with that notion, including evolution…
As a progressive creationist, I agree that the history of life reveals an overall evolution of species (as testified by the fossil and geological records), but I’m not at all convinced that a contiguous process of biological evolution is the mechanism that allowed that history to proceed.

Instead, I favour this possibility: God created the first life forms from existing matter (Genesis 2:19): He then used matter (genetic matter) from that first life-form to created subsequent life-forms, and so on … all the way down the line of the history of life. This perhaps explains the claim made by genetic science that all life-forms contains common genomic elements - and hence the not-unreasonable conclusion of common descent via biological evolution. It truly is a form of “common descent”, because all life-forms are created from the genetic material of pre-ceding creatures, but they are actually separate creations, imo.
God would create a reality that can take care of it’s own development.
I wouldn’t suppose to know how the Almighty would create.
Why would he create a reality that he has to tinker with given that he is all powerful?
Because God loves everything He creates and wants to be intimately involved in its progress.
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It seems to me that a naturally evolving reality is the most reasonable thing for a timeless being to create
Man is made in the image of God - therefore, for starters, it is a contradiction-in-terms to claim that man is the result of a natural process alone.
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The human and chimpanzee sequences are identical, a 1 in 2.3 x 1093 chance. The Rhesus monkey has one amino acid different, and the mouse has eight. Cytochrome C sequences are part of the evidence for evolution. The fly and sunflower have many more differences for the human/chimp sequence. The closeness of the sequences mirrors the closeness of the species in the tree of common descent. We are a lot closer to mice (mammals) than to flies (insects) or sunflowers (plants).
As to the chimp and human, while the physical micro level does mimic the macro, the micro says nothing about the vast difference in intelligence.
It doesn’t take an expert to realize that humans and chimps are miles apart genetically. The “98% DNA in common” mantra, so beloved by evolutionists, is very misleading and obviously doesn’t tell the whole story.
This is confirmed by the next part of Genesis 2:7 “… and breathed into his nostrils.” Nostrils are part of the physical body, so just before God breathed, man’s physical body existed. God used evolution to form man’s physical body, including nostrils, and then gave Adam a human soul, which he did not give to the other animals. God’s breathing only applies to man, not to animals.
The last words of the verse (Gen 2:7) are sometimes translated as, “and he became a living soul”, but this is somewhat misleading, as these exact words are also used in reference to non-human creatures elsewhere in the OT. In many Bibles the same words are translated as “and he became a living being”, which is a less-confusing translation. Furthermore, non-human creatures are also referred to in the OT as having “the breath of life”.
However, there is a word in Gen 2:7 that does imply a spiritual element, and that is the word “formed”, because in the Hebrew it contains two ‘yods’ - meaning Adam is formed twice - 1. physically and 2. spiritually (although another interpretation is that Adam is formed the first time for his earthly life, and the second time for a resurrected life).
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I don’t know that to be true. If this can happen in nature…

image.jpg800x847 173 KB

…then I have no reason to think that something complex cannot be the result of biological processes or that biology cannot be the result of chemistry.
Impressive - but a human being (or any living creature) is infinitely more complex than a cube of rock.

God can make even the rocks declare His presence.
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How about Homer then? Homer is basically history, yet it contains details of the Greek gods. Does that make those gods true. The Mahabharata contains many details of the history of ancient India and the actions of the Hindu gods.

Details can be added to true stories and to fictional/legendary stories. The presence of detail does not indicate that a story is necessarily true. It may be true, it may not be.
Nothing else reads like the Bible. It has the ring of truth about it, imo.
So your argument is: It sounds true to me.

OK. I can go with that.
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As to the chimp and human, while the physical micro level does mimic the macro, the micro says nothing about the vast difference in intelligence.
It doesn’t take an expert to realize that humans and chimps are miles apart genetically.
We should be grateful that you fit the bill and can point us in the right direction.
It doesn’t take an expert to realize that humans and chimps are miles apart genetically.
Would it make a difference if they were 99.99% identical? This comparison is important to those who believe in the primacy of matter. How we differ is in our soul, what we are existentially, the nature of our being, that which organizes the matter which we are into a person, someone who can know, and through the exercise of free will, someone who can love and thereby know God.
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