Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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In order to begin to understand how we got here, it is important to have some sense of who we are.

We know certain things about how matter works and comes together to form the molecules that make up, as an immediate example, the screen in front of us and the nervous system that organizes that physical information into a perception and understanding. The basic material structure of the atoms that make up our neurons is subsumed by the encompassing form that is the cell. Some of these cells are constructed to react to external stimuli such as photons entering the eye, and the majority to neurotransmitters; through the interconnectedness of neurons, different patterns of excitation occur within our nevous system. The structure of these patterns is that of mind - perceptions, feelings, words, intent and action. All this comes together as a unity, manifesting our spiritual soul, matter providing that basic substance of our being in space and time, a part of the universe, biological being our capacities to grow, develop, reproduce, feel, perceive, remember and act, and our spiritual being which makes all this one. An aspect of our human soul is its being rooted in eternity, ever here and now in its voyage through time. Where everything is relational, made up of individual events that interact and in doing so, participate in larger whole systems, we transcend those basic capacities; we can know and through our free will, this allows for the possibility of love (agape).

Our reality had a beginning, individually arising from previous human beings and ultimately created by God. Persons are a unity of being, from conception until our death. The organization of external matter into oneself is an aspect of that human soul. The person does not come into being as the matter collects and develops physically, but rather the converse; we grow and develop gaining the ability to express our God-given qualities as we participate in our own creation through what we do. Human beings come from human beings since the creation of Adam, from whom Eve was formed as a unity of body and spirit.

Similarly, although in a less complex form, animals and plants are brought into being as a soul, uniting the constituent matter of the organism into a whole. While our soul is eternal and rational, that of other living creatures exists solely in time and is instinctive. Each new kind of creature has great latitude in how it is expressed over successive generations. Some of this has to do with a built-in capacity to adapt and contribute in different ways to its environment, but mainly it is the expression of the Creator, who influences the heart of His creatures to fulfill such desires for beauty as seen, for example in the physical appearance and behaviour of many diverse birds.

Creation then, is always taking place, offspring from their parents, a pattern that had a beginning in the first of each kind of organism, and before that the brining forth from nothing , all time-space and every event that it contains.
True, but that wouldn’t negate the possibility that it was his intention that the world should develop according to the laws of physics and chemistry. Otherwise, whats the point.
Except that matter does not behave that way, and bringing itself together will not result in a whole being exhjibiting very different properties than the constituent parts, as we are right here and now, whether or not we feel integrated as one, in and with the world. The point of creating bricks and mortar is to build a house; they are not constructed to do so on their own.
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I think it is absolutely awesome that God created a world with evolution
Since this is what you believe, could you shed some light as to how exactly He did that. You are yourself, how are you what you are as a person? How that comes to be now gives a great deal of insight as to how it happened at the beginning.
Someone will make a claim which is obviously wrong and will have that fact pointed out. It’s then ignored for a while but then the exact same claim is made by the same person (verbatim!) as if no-one is going to notice.
People prefer to write rather than read, not to think beyond what they have to say. Much of this behaviour is as simple as that.
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I think it is absolutely awesome that God created a world with evolution
Since this is what you believe, could you shed some light as to how exactly He did that. You are yourself, how are you what you are as a person? How that comes to be now gives a great deal of insight as to how it happened at the beginning.
God has not revealed all the details of His creation, so I don’t know exactly how He managed creation. I am naturally curious as to how that creative act played out, and I encourage the use of the scientific method to discover what we can. But I am not overly disturbed over what we do not know.
In the Catholic perspective, neo-Darwinians who adduce random genetic variation and natural selection as evidence that the process of evolution is absolutely unguided are straying beyond what can be demonstrated by science.
Posting your quote for emphasis.
Any evolutionary mechanism that is contingent can only be contingent because God made it so. An unguided evolutionary process – one that falls outside the bounds of divine providence – simply cannot exist because “the causality of God, Who is the first agent, extends to all being, not only as to constituent principles of species, but also as to the individualizing principles…It necessarily follows that all things, inasmuch as they participate in existence, must likewise be subject to divine providence” ( Summa theologiae I, 22, 2).”
As I understand this, even a guided evolutionary principle cannot explain what is highlighted here. I would say that God creates different forms of beings, from atoms, within a hierarchy of existence, which includes we ourselves, individual in relation to one another as parts of larger systems of being.
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I encourage the use of the scientific method to discover what we can.
We have made quite impressive discoveries through empirical research. What it does is reveal the basic facts of science. What we talk about here are interpretations of those basic facts.

This is what we know about quantum physics:

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The various interpretations that we come up with include that it is weird, stuff about Schrödinger cats (that objects can be in two states at once), and that quantum mechanics is subjective. These are attempts to make what is empirically derived more meaningful than a set of formulae that describe relationships between events. Even here Iam making an interpretation

Evolution is such an interpretation, a story that attempts to make the raw data meaningful to us. It is an end stage in the process of discovery. It generates no more hypotheses than does a creationist view, which actually is more comprehensive in its capacity to explain what all this is and how it got here.
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Hello. Someone posting tbe exact thing as they did on a number of previous ocassions. Gee, I should study this to see if there was something I missed the first three or four times.

And…nup. Just as much wasted time as it was the first time. How are those Evolution sites working for you?

Incidentally, you know that old courtroom rule: ‘never ask a question to which you don’t know the answer’? Well, here’s a forum equivalent: ‘never post anything that you don’t understand yourself’.
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I don’t doubt that “some” people see science as replacing God, but I don’t think their numbers amount to “many.”
I was watching an episode of Fr. Spitzer on EWTN a few months or so ago and he was asked or was talking about the ratio of scientists who are believers in God or some kind of supreme being and those who are atheists. He said it is about 50/50. Pretty scary.
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And…nup. Just as much wasted time as it was the first time. How are those Evolution sites working for you?

Incidentally, you know that old courtroom rule: ‘never ask a question to which you don’t know the answer’? Well, here’s a forum equivalent: ‘never post anything that you don’t understand yourself’.
You sound like @bradski. No substance…
The point of creating bricks and mortar is to build a house; they are not constructed to do so on their own.
Yes, the imagery or analogy that the Bible gives us from beginning to end concerning the work/s of God, creating the world, forming it and putting it together, is after the fashion of the work/s of human artifacts such as the house example. In this vein, St Thomas Aquinas said ‘the whole of creation is as a divine artifact of God.’ This is how I personally view the creation and formation of the world by God and such a view is maybe just sort of natural to me according to my own personal life experience and work. I’m a carpenter by trade and so my work involves assembling materials and things together all day long, week after week, year after year. They just don’t come together by themselves.

And…nup. Just as much wasted time as it was the first time. How are those Evolution sites working for you?

Incidentally, you know that old courtroom rule: ‘never ask a question to which you don’t know the answer’? Well, here’s a forum equivalent: ‘never post anything that you don’t understand yourself’.
You sound like @bradski. No substance…
That’s bradskii with a double i, thank you.
I don’t doubt that “some” people see science as replacing God, but I don’t think their numbers amount to “many.”
I was watching an episode of Fr. Spitzer on EWTN a few months or so ago and he was asked or was talking about the ratio of scientists who are believers in God or some kind of supreme being and those who are atheists. He said it is about 50/50. Pretty scary.
I suspect you would get the same ratio if you surveyed lawyers, social workers, or mathematicians.
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Seriously dude… God can create any animal or plant out of thin air.The uncreated is greater than the created.
To be fair, Scripture says all creatures (including man) were made from inanimate matter. That said, it is far greater to create a creature from dust than to modify a living creature.
True, but where did the dust come from ?
God can create any animal or plant out of thin air.
I think the evidence is that he used evolution though - or at least that it was done in a way that is indistinguishable from it.

Also - are you implying that he needed air to create?
I’m implying that he can make things pop into existence just by his word.
The 'ol Berkely evo site. LOL
I thought it would be helpful to you. You are (excuse me for saying so) making quite a few basic errors in your understanding of the subject. I didn’t think that that site would be too difficult to understand but there are other simpler ones:

poorly adapted were less likely to survive and their characteristics were not as likely to be inherited.

What creatures did evolution not make fit for its environment ?
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