You’ll have to explain to me how this works, Edgar. You wanted to know how PE could be tested and I linked to a paper that did EXACTLY THAT. Did you not check the link? It explains what they were doing and briefly how they did it.Any valid test of PE would require vast expanses of time - we are testing for macroevolution, after all. In other words, it’s impossible to test.
It didn’t require ‘vast amounts of time’. Without paying to download their paper I would guess it took a few weeks at most.
So what you have posted is wrong. It is possible to test for PE and it has been done and the results are favourable to it having happened. Now if you have a problem with how it was done or the means by which it was done then let me know and we can discuss it.
And if your answer is a variation on ‘we weren’t there so we don’t know’, then I have to say we’re back to T shirt slogans again.