In principle i accept the existence of secondary causes ( natural causes ) and that God has given them the power to produce effects according to their given nature. True, the power of God is required for the existence of physical reality and it is God that sustains physical reality in existence allowing the effects of physical causes to become actual things according to the the given nature of the physical cause. But nonetheless there is such a thing as a naturally caused order of physical events that have real effects.
This excludes the reality of living beings.
Even if we were talking about material substances, anyone who has spent any time in a lab is aware of the difficulty in getting results within a reasonable degree of error under even the most controlled conditions. It just doesn’t happen that stuff aligns itself in the manner that you would have people believe. If we switch the metaphor from objects and processes to one of information, it is clear that meaning does not randomly occur; random changes to information cause a breakdown in what exists.
But, we are not merely a collection of atoms. We are individual beings, expressions of one mankind. And, that had to be created, beginning with one man, from whom we all have arisen in time, and together we fell, to be redeemed and save by one man, who is God.
As to the nature of physical matter and its relationship to the person, I’m going to step back a bit and mention John Wheeler who speculated to his graduate student, Richard Feynman, that there was only one electron, bouncing back and forth in time. This didn’t go far but it speaks to how we understand our world, in particular for the purposes of this discussion, the material. Again, using the metaphor that reality is made up of information, there is a bit of information which we understand to be an electron, and information that is space and time. That information was brought into existence, defining a segment of time at the very beginning of things.
The information that is quarks and electrons in time and space, was created. Later they were brought together forming a unity that has expanded to 81 stable atoms. If not, the universe would have remained a plasma field. Leap forward and we have living things which do not result from the self-arrangement of atoms and molecules.
The inherent properties that belong to that purely material level of being were utilized in the creation of living creatures, which were brought forth from the earth. This requires a creative process, the bringing into existence of living things from nothing utilizing pre-existing matter. As the information that is a subatomic event is brought together in the formation of the new set of information that constitutes the atom, this in turn forms the basis of a new system, a living organism, whose nature includes the capacity to absorb matter into itself and thereby live and grow, and to procreate, features not present in the material substances of which these individual beings are constituted.