For anyone interested, I’m trying to get at one of the driving forces behind these discussions:
God creates from eternity. While we exist in a past-present-future moment as an aspect of our free will which sets our choices in stone, so to speak, there exists but one Moment encompassing all time space and everything in it, eternally brought into existence. All this is determined including what we freely do, all made right, justified in accordance with God’s will. I am suggesting then, that this world as we know it is brought into being as a result of a choice made by humanity at its creation in one first man. Eden has vanished, replaced by this vale of tears, from its beginnings in time to its end, reaching out towards its resurrection. In a sense it has all happened, but the reality is that it is all happening Now, all of it emerging into existence, resting on the eternal Ground which is Existence itself, triune in nature.
Imagine ourselves as analogous to a family Christmas dinner within a brick house. That house representing the body has been constructed from the clay of the ground, shaped into bricks and mortar, brought together to form a foundation, floor and walls. It is all happening in four dimensional space-time, the clay formed into the component parts of the physical structure to the family gathering inside. We can approach the reality in terms of the architect and builder, or focus on the materials themselves. In the latter case, what we will find is that the bricks and mortar contain the potential for assuming the form of a house, that it is in their nature, as much as they will exhibit the tendency to crumble and fall. These are different perspectives on what happens, the interpretation depending on how we choose to understand.
In the article Statistical physics of Self-Replication published in The Journal of Chemical Physics, Dr. Jeremy L. England proposes that the emergence of self-replicating nucleic acids as well as that of cells themselves is fueled by entropy. It’s basically saying what my analogy was getting at. It came out some time ago and I don’t know of any follow-up. However, whether it pans out or not, he is suggesting that the forces of nature are sufficient in producing living organisms. The fact is that life has arisen from the earth, as everyone quoting Genesis or evolution would hold. We have a choice, we can either use science as a means to grow closer to God or use it to push ourselves further from Him. The decision is ours, which direction we take. Does He bring all this into existence? Is it all about God or not?