Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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Dr Jordan Peterson had an interesting theory on that (paraphrasing): “You notice that the mathematicians have said that there are hundreds of billions of galaxies and literally hundreds of millions of solar systems with life sustaining conditions. So if that’s true, then its reasonable that among those hundreds of millions, even if only 1% harvested intelligent life like us, many of them would have had far more time to advance beyond our intelligence, which would mean hundreds of thousands of species have advanced far beyond our intelligence and thus would easily have the capability to visit us. So why haven’t they? Why have we seen nothing? The scary answer is the logical one from our own experience - that every single one of those life forms destroyed themselves once they reached a certain level of intelligence
Creation is top down, not down up.
Philosophically speaking, ‘No effect is greater than its cause’. According to darwinian evolutionary theory such as microbe to man, we appear to have a constant and continual reverse process of the greater coming from the lesser.
And evolution would have to create a reverse food chain, from the bottom up… highly unlikely.
even if only 1% harvested intelligent life like us, many of them would have had far more time to advance beyond our intelligence, which would mean hundreds of thousands of species have advanced far beyond our intelligence and thus would easily have the capability to visit us.
The problem with this is that it’s based on a bunch of unknowable assumptions. They assume that others would have had more time, while not actually knowing what causes life or how long it takes for life to develop normally. We have one example and base all our assumptions on that. That’s a really bad sample size.

Also, they assume that it’s possible to travels at speeds which would make visitation easy. There’s nothing to prove that, and lots of math to prove that such speeds are impossible.

I do agree with their conclusion that it’s probable they’d wipe themselves out though, especially based on what we see on Earth.
I’ll add that the “sound barrier” was a problem that was solved. I predict the faster than light problem will be solved as well.
That our planet earth may be at the center of the visible universe or of the visible heavens makes sense to me since human beings, the pinnacle of the corporeal creation, reside on earth.
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Our solar system is in orbit around the center of our galaxy, the Milky Way. Somehow, astronomers have determined we are about 10% inside the outer edge. It has been proposed that the center of our galaxy contains numerous Black Holes.
Jude 6-7 suggests the Nephilim were the result of fallen angels who mated with human women (“strange flesh”):
Since angels have no flesh, I think not. The “strange flesh” is a reference to homosexual activity in Sodom and Gomorrah.
Where do you suggest we start?
Where do you suggest we start?
Science encounters many things that cannot be explained. Science does not settle for 'superstitious" or religious explanations. Science is able to say “we don’t know”. We have discovered a great many things that were thought to have had “spiritual” or magical causes in the past.

Psychology is literally translated “study of the soul”. This term has been redefined here by @ Aloysium who is restricting it to a study of the “mind”. This kind of definition seeks to eliminate the fact that the human soul carries the stamp of God’s nature.
“the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior in a given context.”
This is a deficient definition, and a product of modern scientism. Human psychology goes well beyond mental functions and behavior.
A temporary body that consumes food is a body, nevertheless.
There is no evidence that these angels had physical bodies, temporary or otherwise.

Angel means messenger, and could be a human messenger, though I don’ think that is the case here.
“In a similar way …”, which I’ve taken to mean as, the sins of the fallen angels were “similar” to the sins of the inhabitants of Sodom and Gomorrah.
I think you are on the right track, but the similarity is to the rebellious group Jude is describing.
At the end of the day Science is not relevant to your salvation,
Science is a human pursuit directed toward understanding the world in which we live. God has directed that we praise Him with our mind/understanding as well as our heart. God did not give us the ability to create and use our minds for no reason. Who knows how many souls may come to faith through scientific study? There are many people who are amazed at the detail of creation. Not all exclude the presence of divinity.

What is relevant to my salvation?
you’re are free to believe what you want about the physical world.
Perhaps this is true for you, but for Catholics, our belief about the physical world must be informed by divine revelation. There are many truths that God has revealed about the physical world that we are not at liberty to set aside.
Evolution now agrees that Eve came from Adam’s side.
Well that is quite a bit of spleen!
What my imagination tells me…
Perhaps imagination is one of those psychological myths that does not really exist? You have to admit, it is not possible to observe and measure the imagination. Dreams may fall into the same category - not rational. Can science explain these human phenomena? How about love? It can’t be measured. Is it a product of the human mind? If so, why do so many people in the grip of love lose their minds?
I’ll add that the “sound barrier” was a problem that was solved. I predict the faster than light problem will be solved as well.
It was always known, even before the sound barrier was passed, that the sound barrier was only a practical problem. There was never a law of physics that said it was impossible to travel faster than sound.

The speed of light limit is not that kind of problem. The limit is a direct consequence of Einstein’s Special Relativity (the first and simplest of his relativity theories) which has now been confirmed by numerous experiments. If travel faster than the speed of light is ever possible, it will have to come with a complete revolution in our fundamental understanding of physics, including an alternate explanation of the Michaelson-Morley experiment. It can’t come as an incremental advance in applied engineering, as was done when the sound barrier was passed.
That our planet earth may be at the center of the visible universe or of the visible heavens makes sense to me since human beings, the pinnacle of the corporeal creation, reside on earth.
That is exactly the same argument that was made to “prove” that the sun revolved around the earth. God has a way of surprising us in our arrogance of what “makes sense” to us.
Accordingly, for the animate or lets say a single cell to arise out of the earth or water according to a natural process, there would have to be an exterior cause/s to transmute the matter or nature of earth or soil, rocks, water, or the mineral substances here.
Science describes what is.

Given the complexity of a cell, it is natural to assume it is designed; an external rational mind has determined that particular form. This is an interpretation of the facts.

The claim that the emergence of life is the result of the inherent properties of matter is another interpretation that is consistent with a deist belief system that sees the cause of these properties to be a completely transcendent deity. A pantheistic view would be that they are the workings of a supreme mind, one with its creation. Atheists would consider any cause to be of no significance and pure speculation, since it cannot be determined empirically. What these have in common is the view that matter behaves of its own accord and has an existence independent of any Creator who is other to it.

The evolutionary Christian view is very poorly stated. It only works if the contingency of matter acting on its own includes the inevitability of life in its various forms, arising from properties inherent in it, granted to matter at its creation. But, it has been revealed that God brought everything into existence in “six days”, which on a practical level means that He did so in a stepwise fashion as a hierarchy of things that are - light, the earth, plants and animals and mankind. Clearly, He created living beings utilizing what He had previously done, and there was no need for matter to possess a built-in ability to bring about life. What we see are different kinds of things on earth, manifesting themselves as individual beings taking on various forms through different generations, in accordance with His creative will and to allow them to remain active participants, giving and taking within their environment.
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I will throw one more piece that points to our importance in the universe.
The universe is not Copernican.

The axis is aligned with the earth’s tilt.

Planck Satellite Data Confirm: Earth May Be the Center of Universe! » Reach Unlimited
Do you purposefully look for articles that you can link to which show how little science the writer knows?

The earth IS the centre of the universe. Saturn is the centre of the universe. Alpha Centauri is the centre of the universe. The most distant object we can see is the centre of the universe. They are all centres of their specific OBSERVABLE universe.

Wherever you are in the universe (and we have no way of knowing how big it is so how you could determine a physical centre must surely give you pause for thought) you can only see a certain distance. Which is 46 billion light years. So you personally are at the centre of a sphere of obervable universe of a diameter of 92 billion light years.

What is outside that sphere is quite possibly an infinite universe. So if you are 91 billion light years away from earth we could just see each other (eventually) but you would be able to see another sphere of observable universe of the same diameter. So you would be the centre of THAT observable universe.

Here’s a link to Astronomy For Kids which keeps it simple and might help: Astronomy for Kids: The Universe

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
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Perhaps imagination is one of those psychological myths that does not really exist? You have to admit, it is not possible to observe and measure the imagination. Dreams may fall into the same category - not rational. Can science explain these human phenomena? How about love? It can’t be measured. Is it a product of the human mind? If so, why do so many people in the grip of love lose their minds?
A myth that addresses what is more real than the images it constructs, such as that of the universe itself. Science can’t explain what is the person’s triune nature - a self-other relationship. The imagination is the link between the self who knows and the known. I suppose truth is when we don’t lie to ourselves and the seer, the seeing and the seen are one.

We lose our minds because we cannot tolerate the loss of love. We can even become violent, trying to possess what must be given. The unity of the lover and the beloved is of supreme importance, with a dragon that surrounds its precious treasure. Blessed are those who mourn, we shall be comforted. And in the passing of illusory and transient goods, we open the door to Love itself, eternal.
We have a choice, we can either use science as a means to grow closer to God or use it to push ourselves further from Him.
The Evil One will use any means to separate us from the Holy One. Considering the powerful influence science has over people’s thinking, it’s not surprising that it’s been satanically perverted in order to deceive.
The basis of evolutionary theories is that it is matter acting on the basis of its intrinsic nature that is the cause of life in its diversity, the various species that emerge continuing if permitted by an indifferent environment, in competition with other organisms. It sounds very much like a projection of the original sin and the consequent fall. We have a tendency to consider ourselves gods, thinking our existence to be our own, and forming our own versions of good and evil. In keeping with that perspective, the entire universe of events is understood to behave as it wishes, for no extrinsic purpose other than to act in accordance with what it is, be it matter, with its specific properties, animals on the basis of utilitarian instincts, or human beings, free to do what we will.
Do you purposefully look for articles that you can link to which show how little science the writer knows?
I knew I could get you back! 😀

When galaxies are arranged in concentric rings around us, this happens only in one place. And since relativity says the center can be anywhere, I like earth to be the center. Who is to criticize?

Also noticed is how you ignore the “axis of evil” and its implications.
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