Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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Statistical physics of Self-Replication published in The Journal of Chemical Physics, Dr. Jeremy L. England
Reading between the lines of this article, we see that he is actually proposing that what has occured over time is not random, but built into the structure of matter, that the laws of nature make life inevitable. I’m trying to give something here to evo-Christians…
In return, I will give something to Creationists. If there is something built into the structure of matter that makes life inevitable, it is notable that as of yet, no proof of life has been found outside of this one planet Earth. Of course that could change with further investigations on Europa, or maybe even on Mars. But as I said, nothing definitive has been found yet.
If there is something built into the structure of matter that makes life inevitable,
Intelligence and purpose - front loaded. We have proof. The cell communicates. is encrypted, has a complex language. These only come from a mind.

The proof would have to be other places where no intelligence gives rise to super intelligence through random mutations and natural selection. (blind, unguided chance)

Creation is top down, not down up.
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Whatever may be the merit of Dr. Johnson’s proposal, the fact remains that we only observe here on earth life coming from life. We do not observe the animate arising from out of the inanimate such as earth or soil. Living things characterized by cell structure and cell activity are of a different nature than earth, soil, or rocks which are not made out of cells. Accordingly, for the animate or lets say a single cell to arise out of the earth or water according to a natural process, there would have to be an exterior cause/s to transmute the matter or nature of earth or soil, rocks, water, or the mineral substances here. Scientists may invoke the power of the sun or its light and radiation. One thing I think is certain is that the earth is at the right distance from the sun so that life can flourish on earth where its not to hot and not to cold. And secondly, another key player here with life on earth is the earth’s atmosphere. A single living cell is very complex with complex DNA. So whatever the exterior cause/s may be or were to transmute the nature of the soil lets say mixed with water or simply clay, the effect must be the formation of a living cell with very complex DNA structure. I personally do not see natural or second causes whatever they may be doing this and we don’t observe it on the earth now. And no effect is greater than its cause so that if it is theorized that the animate arises from the inanimate, it may be argued it seems that such is a case where the effect is greater than its cause, the greater coming from the lesser.

‘And God said, “Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth.” And it was so.
The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good.’ (Gen. 1: 11-12).

Accordingly, I believe the direct efficient cause of the various kinds and species of plants and animals on earth is God himself who made and formed from out of the earth and the waters the various species through his Word, through whom all things were made (John 1: 3). And to forestall the notion that the sun is the father and creator of life on earth which Israel’s pagan neighbors were wont to do, Moses places the creation and formation of the earth’s vegetation and trees on day 3 before the making of the two great lights and the stars on day 4.
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We have a choice, we can either use science as a means to grow closer to God or use it to push ourselves further from Him.
The Evil One will use any means to separate us from the Holy One. Considering the powerful influence science has over people’s thinking, it’s not surprising that it’s been satanically perverted in order to deceive.
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In return, I will give something to Creationists. If there is something built into the structure of matter that makes life inevitable, it is notable that as of yet, no proof of life has been found outside of this one planet Earth. Of course that could change with further investigations on Europa, or maybe even on Mars. But as I said, nothing definitive has been found yet.
Does the Church have any theological objection to the existence of life on other planets? I’ll have a guess and say, No.
I don’t think any alien life exists, but who knows?
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I think some evidence will be found on Mars, underground. The same with Europa.
In the New Age movement, there’s a belief that some sort of intelligent alien-lizards live underground here on earth. I guess they’re from Mars originally and probably green.
There is no issue between Catholic Theology and the concept of alien life. If it exists, God created it as well. That’s His prerogative.

I personally don’t think there is any, mainly because we haven’t found evidence of anything. I don’t deny the potential.
I’m definitely a fan of the fringe. Nonsense on top of nonsense has been published about aliens on earth. There are none.
Does the Church have any theological objection to the existence of life on other planets? I’ll have a guess and say, No.
I don’t think any alien life exists, but who knows?
The odds of other life in the universe is very very very low.
A single living cell is very complex with complex DNA. So whatever the exterior cause/s may be or were to transmute the nature of the soil lets say mixed with water or simply clay, the effect must be the formation of a cell with very complex DNA structure. I personally do not see natural or second causes whatever they may be doing this and we don’t observe it on the earth now.
Try considering the atheist formula for success: rocks + billions of years = life.
I’ve been assured it’s very scientific.

If you can swallow this, swallowing the sequel - evolution - is very easy.
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the notion that the sun is the father and creator of life on earth which Israel’s pagan neighbors were wont to do
Nothing has changed, really - some aspects of modern “science” are no less superstitious.
Actually, we’ve only closely surveyed two planets and one moon. Of the three, one of them has signs of life.

Based on that, one third of the planets in the universe have life.

I agree with you in principle. If life exists elsewhere it is probably pretty rare. However, there is no observational data to support that conclusion.
Even on Earth there’s plenty of evidence to suggest that “Earth-like” (read: non-extreme) conditions aren’t necessarily required for life to develop.

Consider the Marianas trench. Scientists used to think it was impossible for there to be life at the bottom of it. Then they got there and found thing literally living inside and directly around volcanic vents. There’s a massive, thriving ecosystem that at one point was believed to be completely impossible due to the lack of sunlight.

The only common factor they think is necessary is water, and there is water everywhere in the universe. Of the three closely studied celestial bodies, all three of them have signs of water. Add to that Europa, which is basically one giant ocean, and it seems like those conditions may be present in more places than previously thought.

To be clear, I don’t believe in that life can generate itself. Water + minerals + electricity =/= life. God is definitely the source of life, wherever we find it. However, don’t limit the potential for life based merely on what we observe on Earth. God could create life that lives in the vacuum of space if He wanted to.
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Creation is top down, not down up.
Philosophically speaking, ‘No effect is greater than its cause’. According to darwinian evolutionary theory such as microbe to man, we appear to have a constant and continual reverse process of the greater coming from the lesser.
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You misunderstand. I agree. If life exists elsewhere, it is probably extremely rare. However, we’re basing our conclusions on really incomplete data sets.

Take the 500-planet study. 500 planets is a worthless sample size when you consider the size of the universe. I agree with him, that Earth is probably unique in the universe, but not based on any scientific data.
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