It’s a personal question, but why not. I don’t reject science because I know it better than anything else. It’s what I’ve always done and continue to do on a semi-retired basis. It’s made me lots of money.
Continuing on this personal theme, I have to say that we are both dealing with inconsitencies in our own vision of things. From your questions, it is clear to me that you don’t understand what I am talking about. It’s not your issue.
Let’s focus on chemistry. It is the study of that structure of reality that God brought into existence after He made the universe as an unformed plasma, which from that base brought into existence subatomic and atomic forms. The system of relationships that is that level within the hierarchy of being that is the universe was in turned utilized in the creation of living forms of being, each a unity existing in relation to its environment, each form an expression of the kind of thing it is.
Materialism reduces the complexity of what something is in itself, take yourself as an example of something 100% physical, to that level of existence.
If we go beyond the illusions, And you’d think Rossum would be on board with that, we can know reality as it is in itself, who you are being you, ultimately a configuration of energy in time-space, organized as atoms and molecules, these in turn being components of cells, specialized and brought together as tissues and parts of complex interacting organ systems, which constitute the bodily aspect of the unity that is the person. These cells in the brain are organized in accordance with the psychological structure, and all of this, which exists, is subsumed, taken up and made whole as a unity of being, that is the human spirit.
All this did not evolve; it was brought into existence through an act of creation, as we are each individually created in human form at conception from human parents.
I’m not sure this has been missed, having been stated and restated so many times; evolution is not science. It utilizes science to build a modern secular myth of our existence.