Feel free to answer my question when you are ready.
I truly don’t know what you are asking. I thought I made it quite clear, including the reasons.
I’m figuring you want to know:
So why don’t you just reject science entirely? Science is a methodological naturalism; it’s materialistic by it’s very method. Why do you pick and choose?
Evolution is not science. It is not something we know like we know the approximations we have to the gravitational constant or the speed of light. It is a story that does not make sense to me. I am not rejecting the science, which actually I embrace and have tried to repeatedly demonstrate fits better with creation than evolution.
Again on a personal note, at least I admit I do not know where you are coming from. You have decided not let me in on how you believe creation fits in with evolution other than to say that God did whatever that myth claims. While God does bring the totality of events that constitute the universe and provide it with its rational structure, it’s an assumption that this structure, inherent in the basic laws of nature, is sufficient in bringing about all this wondrous diversity of living beings. God is involved as the Triune Creator of each form of being. That I would say, I am certain of.
To speak of our existence and its beginnings, we are involving epistemology, how we know things and ontology, what it is the nature of the being that takes the various forms and relationships that constitute the areas of study of the various disciplines of physics, chemistry, microbiology, botany, zoology, and the arts. This hierarchy was brought into existence sequentially within the “six days” of creation, or at least that’s how modern science fits in the reality described by Genesis. To speak of creation we cannot remain at the level of the material, which helps with the building of things and medicine but fails to grasp what is life.
I’m hoping that is clear. I’ll keep trying, at least for as long as it is meaningful to do so.