This hierarchy was brought into existence sequentially within the “six days” of creation
So you are a young earth creationist?
When words are in parentheses, it is to alert the reader that their meaning deserves some special attention.
The message to the faithful is that there were six days of creation. And, to at least one person in the 21st century, what this means is that God initiated a process that has a cyclical pattern. Creation doesn’t happen in the manner of a fountain spouting water perpetually.
Time proceeds, with events constantly in motion. Their beginnings were progressively constructed, brought into existence from what had previously been created, a hierarchy of being. From an original formless plasma that was created from nothing, the subatomic were brought into existence utilizing that primal energy. The atom, the elements of the periodic table, stars and galaxies followed, leading to living forms and finally, we ourselves, through one first man. All was
created in a step-wise fashion, each kind of being to express itself in a variety of forms.
What was created was Eden. This fallen world emerged from that ontological seed, the original sin distorting its reality from its beginning to the end, transforming an eternal state into a journey whereby all creation, through us, in and through Jesus Christ hopes to ultimately enter into communion within the Trinity. Hence the illusion of evolution, which sees the world as the ground of its own being, rather than Divine Love, the Source of all existence.
While geological time on the surface seems to contradict the idea of all this happening in six days, what we are talking about is time before the existence of mankind. We exist as frames of reference, inserting ourselves in any event within time-space. As we see the sun rising and setting, and discover a greater reality emerging from the perspective of what is the solar system, so too the truth seen from the higher Ground of Being reveals how God would know His creation.
It should be noted that those who understand creation as having happened in successive 24 hour periods, may be closer to the Truth than I, and definitely closer than the man who wrote
A Brief History of Time.