I find it highly strange to give blind, unguided chance, or the blind watchmaker, any credit. It is not elegant or goal oriented. It spits out life forms and keeps spitting them out. Those that survive, survive, and those that don’t, don’t. Hardly an explanation.
Take a generic snake. Let’s say it had only two large fangs at first. A bad bite depending on the size of the target. Then, mysteriously, it develops a combination of chemicals that happen to be harmful or fatal to other creatures. A gland also mysteriously develops to store the toxin. The fangs mysteriously change from fully solid to injectors of the venom. A lot of explaining to do do, but it’s all explained away. An unintelligent, random force called evolution not only started the process but directed it every step of the way, even though it is blind and undirected.
Take a generic snake. Let’s say it had only two large fangs at first. A bad bite depending on the size of the target. Then, mysteriously, it develops a combination of chemicals that happen to be harmful or fatal to other creatures. A gland also mysteriously develops to store the toxin. The fangs mysteriously change from fully solid to injectors of the venom. A lot of explaining to do do, but it’s all explained away. An unintelligent, random force called evolution not only started the process but directed it every step of the way, even though it is blind and undirected.