Good thing they aren’t being shoehorned into a scientific theory.
Yes, it does. They adapt and are show variation within. It falls under devolution more correctly and molecules to man, macro-evolution it does not.In other words, the Church allows that evolution by means of the mutation of genes over time could be a mechanism that was employed by Providence to create diversity of species.
Genesis describes creation based on the science of its times. It’s actually understandable, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, by all people capable of rational thought, of all ages, in all times. We all would have our own interpretation, I suppose based on our relationship with God and the world around us. For those interested, it is guided by the teachings of the church and our understanding of science, and is usually a work in progress, given the depth of meaning it contains.If they find a Christian mistaken in a field which they themselves know well and hear him maintaining his foolish opinions about our books, how are they going to believe those books in matters concerning the resurrection of the dead, the hope of eternal life, and the kingdom of heaven ,
I agree, but apparently from another perspective.Please, people, learn something about this subject or do not comment. It is embarrassing.
Fortunate to have visited the Galapagos, I was struck with how Genesis 1 resonates with the emergence of volcanic islands from the sea, how the barren rock is covered with the simplest plant life, which gradually takes hold, allowing for larger and more complex plants to later flourish, how fish and birds enter their sphere from the sea and from the air, followed by land animals and ultimately human beings.Genesis describes creation based on the science of its times.
Creation is an elegant solution to the existence of individual life forms, a unity of material and psychological structures in one whole individual being, existing in relation to everything else. It speaks to the glory of God as Beauty, Truth, and Goodness, in addition to His infinite creativity and involvement in every aspect of what He brings into existence. It addresses the undeniable reality of suffering and gives meaning to the struggles we face in life, providing us with the solution of Christian transcendence in the Cross.Evolution is an elegant solution that allows life to adapt and spread throughout Earth.
I did not mention atheism; that would be an association you are making.I’m saying God created life that adapts and changes along with a vibrant, dynamic, and diverse Earth.
Most Christians believe in biological evolution. Please stop conflating it with atheism.
It’s not a good idea, when someone asks that you might wish to take a critical approach, to appeal to authority.And anyone who has studied the nervous system can see how biological evolution can produce a system that reacts to its environment, the nervous system is based on chemistry.
I would be interested in what you mean by “biological evolution”. What do you think is the connection between inert matter for example, or perhaps the first bacterium and ourselves. What would have happened in time from a primordial world to this current anthropocene era.
Better: Design is an elegant solution…Evolution is an elegant solution that allows life to adapt and spread throughout Earth.
Absolutely not. Adaptive design is what we are speaking of.Static design is less elegant than evolutionary design in changing environments. The designer would need to recreate or step in and alter the creation every time the environment changes.
He could have but that is not what we see. The fossil record over and over shows abrupt appearance, stasis and variation within.If God created creatures that evolve within “Kinds” (which is totally undefined and nonscientific) why can’t God create creatures that evolve without that arbitrary limitation?
No. It is accurate. Surprised you didn’t know this…This is a totally incorrect representation of the fossil record.
They are “arbitrary” because we have yet to see an objective way to define where those boundaries lie. For example, how many Biblical kinds are there among marsupials? Is there just one “marsupial kind” or are there multiple kinds within the marsupial clade? What objective measures can you provide to support your answer.I am not sure why you would call the designed limits of micro-evolution (adaptation) arbitrary.