Or you’ll do what I, and millions of other faithful Catholics, have done, and recognize evolution as the physical process which God has chosen to develop the necessary form of the physical world, and grow in faith through recognition of God’s majesty and power.
I still find the ability to guide evolution over ~13.5 billions years to be at least equally as impressive as popping everything into existence exactly as intended. My knowledge of evolution and the world before us puts in my greater awe of God and spurs me to try harder to make it to Heaven so that I can know about it. (As an aspect of learning about the fullness of God, which would include the entire history of our universe.)
I still find the ability to guide evolution over ~13.5 billions years to be at least equally as impressive as popping everything into existence exactly as intended. My knowledge of evolution and the world before us puts in my greater awe of God and spurs me to try harder to make it to Heaven so that I can know about it. (As an aspect of learning about the fullness of God, which would include the entire history of our universe.)
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