Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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I can only tell based on what you’ve posted here, which has not really indicated that you know much, I have to be honest. I mean you just said that evolution would require bacteria growing arms and legs. That’s some “if the world is round why don’t people in china fall off the bottom” stuff right there.
So? They’re evolving, developing all kinds of new features through genetic mutation and natural selection. The differences between viruses, even within HIV, are massive compared to the differences between something like a dog and a cat. The evolution of viruses prove in real-time that:
  • genetic mutation can produce beneficial changes
  • genetic mutation and natural selection can produce features with the appearance of design
  • Genetic mutation can produce ‘new information’
They are viruses regardless of their dissimilarities, utilizing cellular processes towards their own ends.
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So if that’s the case, why could you not say
“They are plants regardless of their dissimilarities, utilizing cellular processes towards their own ends.” in describing the evolution of plants?
How do scientists make predictions without theory? This is such a strange understanding of science that I can’t help you.
The problem is, like most evolutionists, you’ve been indoctrinated to think of the fossil record (and all science, for that matter) in terms of Darwinian theory and you have the utmost trouble thinking outside that box, believing such theory is essential to understanding observations. The fact of the matter is, a geologist doesn’t need an explanation for the fossil record in order to make use of it in oil and gas exploration. All he needs to know is, Fossil A follows Fossil B, which follows Fossil C … and so on. An explanation for why the fossils are found in their sequences is unnecessary, irrelevant and useless.
Besides, you’re clearly smarter than all scientists working in the field, as you don’t even need to actually study the subject to know that it has no application. So smart that you don’t even need to read scientific papers to know that they are pointless. Such a pinnacle of genius that you alone in all the world can discern where the evolutionary framework begins and “real biology” begins, without even needing to do any real relevant work. I, being a mere lowly mortal, could not possibly hope to add to or change such an intellect.
In other words, you can’t provide even one example of how the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life has proven useful in applied science. It seems that your Darwinian belief system is the scientific equivalent of a blank bullet - it makes a lot of noise but it’s just hot air.
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Just peruse through a few of these papers: Evolutionary biology - Latest research and news | Nature 1. Look at the data, look at the complex models and specific esoteric language. 92 papers in the last year in just one scientific journal.
This article begins by describing evolutionary biology as “a subdiscipline of the biological sciences concerned with the origin of life and the diversification and adaptation of life forms over time.”

In other words, the sphere of evolutionary biology will include useless theories about the “the origin of life” as well as the possibility of useful, practical biology which pertains to “the diversification and adaptation of life forms over time.” Evolutionary biology is therefore normal biology with useless yarns about origins and macroevolution thrown in for no good reason.
Consequently we can expect this article to feature (a) papers relating to useless theories about macroevolution, (b) papers relating to useful, practical applications of microevolution, (c) papers relating to both (a) and (b).

You will find that all the useful stuff is confined exclusively to species-species evolution (microevolution) and that the “information” that evolution occurred at the level of genus and above (macroevolution) provides nothing at all in the way of a practical use and in fact amounts to nothing more than the vacuous story-telling that evolutionary biologists are so fond of.
Actually talking about a virus whose chief weapon is its ability to rapidly evolve, which is not explained at all by denying the ability of organisms to evolve.
Congratulations for supplying yet another excellent straw man. Who is denying that viruses evolve? Not even the most ardent fundamentalist YECs deny that viruses evolve.

The point is, you can’t demonstrate why believing in the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life is essential to fighting the AIDS virus (I’ve asked you previously for such a demonstration but you didn’t even bother to try, which tells me you’ve got nothing to back up your claim).

The moral of the story is, knowing that viruses evolve is very useful in applied science; believing in the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life is useless in applied science.
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Lol, okay guy. Rail against science all you want it wont change anything. Ignorance doesnt cancel out facts.

I’m not going into detail with you because you have already declared ahead of time that you won’t listen because you have a bizarre irrational hatred of evolution.
Lol, okay guy. Rail against science all you want it wont change anything. Ignorance doesnt cancel out facts. I’m not going into detail with you because you have already declared ahead of time that you won’t listen because you have a bizarre irrational hatred of evolution.
I’m not railing against science - I merely want you to provide a practical use for the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life. If not for me, do it for the other posters here, I’m sure they’ll be interested in whatever “facts” you can provide in this regard. All you’ve done so far is run from an argument.

Oh, I just edited post 6331, which is for you; you might have missed it.
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“Evolution” as used here, is not relevant. The word could be left out and change nothing.
Exactly. The gratuitous use of the word “evolution” is all part of the indoctrination process. The idea is to convey the thought that all forms of “evolution” are not only factual, but are essential to understanding all forms of biology. Some folks, thus deceived, never grow out of this indoctrination and so never wake up to the fact that the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life is actually completely useless in the only form of biology that really matters - applied biology. They see the word “evolution” everywhere in scientific literature and it casts a life-long spell over them.
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I missed the part where evolutionary biology is playing a role in vaccine development.
You didn’t miss it - it doesn’t exist. Biology has no practical, applied uses at all for Darwinian tales about the days of yore.
Based on years of reading threads like this, I’ve reached two conclusions and nothing has changed.
  1. Applied Biology deals with things that are alive right now. The most common argument is that “evolution” applies here. It doesn’t. This is usually followed by questions about drug discovery. All drugs advertised on TV are bad jokes, even for people who have a condition where they might benefit. My favorite is death, or as sometimes worded: “Sudden fatal reaction” in some fraction of potential users.
    So years may pass, and lots of research dollars, before animal trials begin. If the side effects are not too bad with animals, or death occurs, either a cause is found or try a new drug candidate. Next are human trials. Side effects too great or too deadly. Next drug and so on.
  2. Evolution as it applies to dead things. The dating is highly questionable. The conclusions are even more so. But that’s alright, from time to time a correction of 20 million years or more is made. And how long was modern man around? It is not possible - in the case of humans - to drag a sufficient number into the laboratory.
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I’ve argued with enough Young earth creationists and flat-earthers to know exactly where this is headed. No matter what I say, anything with direct, real-time observable evidence will be lumped into “non-evolutionary biology”, and anything implied by that evidence will be lumped into “useless theorizing”, without any explanation as to why the principle shouldn’t be applied consistently.

It’s like saying “Gravity is a useless theory, ‘earth physics’ is the only thing with real application, but people throw in the dumb gravity theory so they can shoehorn useless yarns about how Pluto is supposed to behave, and I want to believe that God just makes Pluto look like it’s behaving according to the same gravitational force as earth, but it’s a continuous miracle, because nobody has actually witnessed Pluto do a full revolution of the sun.”

The mechanism that explains the development of life on earth is the exact same mechanism that explains viral evolution. There is no “genus barrier”, since genus is an even more arbitrarily defined grouping than species. You can’t just say “Sure viral evolution is a thing, but it doesn’t apply to anything historically because I don’t like history.” Well I guess you can say that since you are saying that, but it’s just a kind of sad and weird thing to say.

You keep mentioning how you’re not a Young-earth creationist but you’re not any different since they make the exact same argument you’re making about how we cannot and should not try to make any inferences about the past outside of the Bible no matter what evidence there is.

So for HIV research, I really only need to talk about viral evolution, since even that would negate the majority of anti-evolution arguments made in this thread, namely:
  • That random mutation can produce useful and novel functionality
  • that random mutation and natural selection alone can produce efficient and functional phenotypes with the appearance of design.
  • that genetic research can trace the relationship and origin of lifeforms
Literally the only counterargument I’ve heard is “That’s just viruses, those mechanisms don’t apply to anything else, I don’t know why but I insist that is true.” This despite the fact that we can observe the same mechanism and phenomenon in bacteria and rapidly reproducing animals in real time in the lab.

In the end you’re just some dude on the internet with a weird axe to grind about a subject you don’t really understand. The research world goes without your approval because luckily people making grant decisions usually actually bother to try to have a decent grasp of the subject. You’re in the world as the flat earthers railing about how the evil NASA is wasting money on the globe conspiracy. If you actually were as smart as you think you are and had it figured out as much as you think you do, you wouldn’t be trolling internet forums, you’d be revolutionizing biology.
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Applied Biology deals with things that are alive right now.
And applied biology deals with no more than species-species “evolution” (aka microevolution). Genus-genus evolution (macroevolution) has never even been observed, so how can it possibly be useful to a biologist?
But evolutionist love to live in their dreamworld of theories - so much so that they often can’t separate theory from fact.
We actually have seen evolution bring about new and different life forms. The biosphere today is very different from what it was 50 million years ago.
Er, no; on the contrary, no one at all has seen evolution bring about new and different life forms. Your Darwinian belief system cannot be verified as a fact.

Besides that, do you know for a fact that the new and different life forms were not the result of separate creations, ie, divine intervention?
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The fact that life forms have evolved is obvious
Really? So what does the fossil record reveal as the evolutionary ancestors of fish? Where are the millions of transitional fossils that should exist between dinosaurs and birds? Why does the Cambrian explosion reveal disparity before diversity - the opposite of what evolution predicts?

“the Cambrian phylum count was larger, perhaps much larger, than the contemporary count. No new phyla have appeared, and many have gone … The history of animal life is not a history of gradually increasing differentiation. It is a history of exuberant initial proliferation, followed by much loss” - S. J. Gould.
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Pop quiz: how long was the cambrian explosion, and how many of the following existed or arose during it?
  • birds
  • mammals
  • reptiles
  • amphibians
  • dinosaurs
  • insects
The fact that life forms have evolved is obvious
“the Cambrian phylum count was larger, perhaps much larger, than the contemporary count. No new phyla have appeared, and many have gone … The history of animal life is not a history of gradually increasing differentiation. It is a history of exuberant initial proliferation, followed by much loss” - S. J. Gould.
It’s ironic and strange that you post this thinking it is an attack on evolution. Evolution in fact predicts that no new phyla would be forming. But why does your continuous miraculous creation never form any new phyla?

Punctuated equilibrium is also not an attack on evolution, it’s just a proposal for a different style, where the most radical diversification of forms is responsive to significant changes in environment. If you actually read gould and not just pull cherry picked quotes from creationist websites you would know that.
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