Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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Evolution can be either microevoluiton, below the level of species, or macroevolution, at or above the level of species.
Right, but to claim that species-species evolution is “macroevolution” is a joke. Speciation within the genus of Green Warblers is “macroevolution” … just as a dinosaur evolving into a bird is “macroevolution”? LOL!
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Those are mighty big words, I assume you’re a world renowned biologist to be making such proclamations about an entire field. Also curious that you just completely ignored a hundred studies I gave you.

I think I see where you’re coming from, and I doubt anyone can change your mind. I ask that you don’t slander what you don’t understand, though.
If your standard for “useful science” is that we have to literally watch it happening before our own eyes in real time, then I suppose you have equal disdain for geologists, astrophysicists, archaeologists, paleontologists, or anything else that really deals with processes that happened in the past or on time scales longer than a human lifetime.

Heck, let’s also throw out history since we can’t prove that God didn’t miraculously create the world with a bunch of fake historical documents and architecture in it in 1850.
If you can give me one example of how the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life has led to a practical use in applied science, I would like to hear it.
It’s very useful in AIDS research, for a starter, but I am 100% positive that you will not accept any evidence I give you because you appear to have a fundamentalist religious conviction that you have to deny science.
Also curious that you just completely ignored a hundred studies I gave you.
You expect me study hundreds of studies in a few minutes? That’s a bit rough. And you ignored my question - which one of these hundreds of studies has converted the belief that all life on earth shares a common ancestor into a practical use in applied science? You made the claim that said belief has proven useful, so the onus is on you to back it up with some facts.
I ask that you don’t slander what you don’t understand, though.
I’m not claiming to understand the technicalities of his research, but when he told me that no practical use had resulted from his belief in the common ancestry of humans and chimps, I believed him.
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I cant speak to this conversation you supposedly had with an anonymous biologist, but the fact that we are related to other great apes is directly related to how AIDS transferred to and evolves in humans.

You say you dont have time to read studies but apparently that hasn’t stopped you from arrogantly declaring an entire field of study to be a waste of time, apparently without actually having read anything in that field.

As to your bigger question, because I already notice you moving the goalposts from “genus-genus evolution” to “all life on earth has a common ancestor”, what practical application is there in knowing that earth revolves around the sun? What practical application is there in knowing the song patterns of whales? Science is a search for truth, and truth doesnt always have obvious applications in your life. It is a strange desire for ignorance to demand that truth have a direct effect on your life in order for it to be true or worth finding.
If your standard for “useful science” is that we have to literally watch it happening before our own eyes in real time, then I suppose you have equal disdain for geologists, astrophysicists, archaeologists, paleontologists, or anything else that really deals with processes that happened in the past or on time scales longer than a human lifetime.
Excellent example of a straw man argument, amigo! I never said or implied anything of the sort. The fossil record in fact assists geologists in oil and gas exploration, for example … but don’t get too excited - it is the history of life on earth that has proven useful, not the Darwinian interpretation of that history.
I’m thinking you are making that guarantee because you are prepared to dismiss anything I say automatically, so why bother explaining anything to you? Knowledge cant defeat invincible ignorance, only grace can, and I cant change your heart.
The evolutionary interpretation is what makes predictions that are what those findings are based on. Nobody can tell where to drill based on the “God just made everything that way for no particular reason or pattern” theory.
I cant speak to this conversation you supposedly had with an anonymous biologist
His name is Stephen Schaffner and he works for the Broad Institute (which is connected to MIT and Harvard somehow or other). He has a Ph.D in experimental particle physics but is now a computational biologist involved in genetics research.
the fact that we are related to other great apes is directly related to how AIDS transferred to and evolves in humans.
How this (unverified, btw) theory proven useful in the treatment of AIDS?
You say you dont have time to read studies
No, I didn’t.
but apparently that hasn’t stopped you from arrogantly declaring an entire field of study to be a waste of time, apparently without actually having read anything in that field.
I don’t recall declaring an entire field of study to be a waste of time, but I do recall arguing that the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life has not proven any practical use in applied science.
I challenge you to prove me wrong by demonstrating how even one of these studies have provided a practical use in applied science for the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life … or the “information” that humans and non-human primates share a common ancestor.
As to your bigger question, because I already notice you moving the goalposts from “genus-genus evolution” to “all life on earth has a common ancestor”
I moved the goalposts? I don’t think so. This discussion stems from post 6280 in which I argued that “the Darwinian interpretation of the history of life” is useless in any practical, applied sense.
what practical application is there in knowing that earth revolves around the sun? What practical application is there in knowing the song patterns of whales? Science is a search for truth, and truth doesnt always have obvious applications in your life.
Who is moving the goal-posts now?
It is a strange desire for ignorance to demand that truth have a direct effect on your life in order for it to be true or worth finding
I have no idea what you’re talking about. Btw, I am not a YEC - I accept that same history and age of life on earth as an evolutionist does.
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The evolutionary interpretation is what makes predictions that are what those findings are based on. Nobody can tell where to drill based on the “God just made everything that way for no particular reason or pattern” theory.
It is the fossil sequence that has proven useful to geologist - the explanation for that fossil sequence is irrelevant. A geologist could attribute the same fossil sequence to the activity of pixies or alien experiments and still utilise the fossil record just as effectively as a geologist using an evolution model.

You are obviously having trouble separating an irrelevant explanation from useful facts.
The evolutionary interpretation is what makes predictions that are what those findings are based on.
No, the predictions are based on known fossil sequences. The explanation for those fossil sequences is irrelevant. In fact, a geologist needs no explanation for the fossil sequences.
Nobody can tell where to drill based on the “God just made everything that way for no particular reason or pattern” theory.
There is a particular pattern - it is revealed by the fossil record. All the geologist has to do is accept the pattern - he doesn’t need an explanation for the pattern.
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Right, but to claim that species-species evolution is “macroevolution” is a joke.
So, every dictionary of the English language is a joke?

You are trying to redefine a word which has a well known and standard meaning. That is not a sensible way to proceed. Besides, Humpty Dumpty got there first.

How do scientists make predictions without theory? This is such a strange understanding of science that I can’t help you. Besides, you’re clearly smarter than all scientists working in the field, as you don’t even need to actually study the subject to know that it has no application. So smart that you don’t even need to read scientific papers to know that they are pointless. Such a pinnacle of genius that you alone in all the world can discern where the evolutionary framework begins and “real biology” begins, without even needing to do any real relevant work. I, being a mere lowly mortal, could not possibly hope to add to or change such an intellect.
Well you can posit these conversations to the introduction of a soul if you want, but that doesn’t really speak to the biological history.

It’s not clear whether these are models or reconstructions using the actual bones of individual creatures who once walked this earth. At any rate, the history comes in when we build a story around them. If you are to gain anything from these discussions hopefully it will at least be that you accept the fact that no matter what you say, people will have a different perspective on what happened at the beginning of time. Same scientific facts, same truth, but different paradigms. You may resort to sarcasm towards the people you disagree with, out of frustration I suppose, but that will not move anyone closer to your position. I do get why you think this represents evolutionary change. In either case it is a mystery, one that is far better explained by creation.
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I dont really see how that is better explained by creation rather than evolution. Clearly there were creatures between humans and other apes at least as far as skulls are concerned (the rest of their skeletons have a similar manner), with them becoming more humanlike as time goes by. You can suppose that God just created and vanished them at periodic points to make it look like they were evolving but I dont see the point of that deception.
Got a lot of modern adult human skills with 800 mL cranial capacity?
Human nature is an aspect of our soul. To express itself in time and space, a brain is required. Our capacities may in some part be associated with brain size but are more tied to the amount of grey matter, the number of neuronal connections and the speed with which they communicate. That organization forms such experiences as that which is happening here, including visual phenomena such as colours, brightness, and shapes, along with all the other sensations, like the pressure of the chair on the body, which we don’t attend to unless some cue directs us to it. There are these words which immediately become nonsense if a specific artery were to become blocked. Of course it is our relational soul that connects us to those elements of the monitor and the rest of the world through our senses and intellect. It’s more complicatedly simple than we might imagine and it would help to sort out our origins to know who we are. Trying to grasp how all this has transpired contemplating bony 3D jigsaw puzzles in the form of skulls can point us in the right or wrong directions; either way it doesn’t begin to scratch the surface.
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I dont really see how that is better explained by creation rather than evolution. Clearly there were creatures between humans and other apes at least as far as skulls are concerned (the rest of their skeletons have a similar manner), with them becoming more humanlike as time goes by. You can suppose that God just created and vanished them at periodic points to make it look like they were evolving but I dont see the point of that deception.
There is intraspecies evolution, clearly, but no change of one kind of being into another. We are not a complex molecule in other words, although we are composed of atoms. Lot’s of plants and animals have vanished. Some remain, and according to evolutionary theory would continue to bring forth ever more complex life forms, which we have not witnessed. I wouldn’t see the point of God making it look like the earth is flat or that everything revolves around the earth, nor do I consider these ways to understand the world around us as attempts by God to deceive us.
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The fact that life forms have evolved is obvious, plus there simply is not one shred of evidence or even basic logic that posits that somehow micro-evolution hits a magical wall just before becoming macro-evolution. It’s all about using a literalist approach to the creation accounts that’s the real obstacle as no such evidence exists as pretty much the vast majority of scientists are aware of.

So, next are we going to read how they are ignorant and/or crooked? I’ve seen that posted many times before.
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