Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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The biggest thing I learned is that evolution predicts that horses should be immortal, and that bacteria should be growing feathers, so obviously evolution is nonsense and the world is 6000 years old.
The biggest thing I learned is that evolution predicts that horses should be immortal, and that bacteria should be growing feathers, so obviously evolution is nonsense and the world is 6000 years old.
OK, so you’ve read over 6000 posts and know less than when you started, because you somehow picked up some huge misunderstandings. I’m sorry about that. If that is what you learned here, you have been sadly misinformed. If you tell anyone you picked that up at Catholic Answers, please make it extremely clear that you picked it up from the message boards and NOT from any of the apologists.

Is there anyone who learned something that’s actually true?
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I’m joking of course, although those were both arguments made by anti-evolutionists in this thread.

Let’s see, I did learn that there have been many more intermediate species found between dinosaurs and modern birds, so that archaeopteryx can no longer really be called “the first bird”, and therefore there are no intermediate species between dinosaurs and modern birds.

But probably the most important thing is that the Catholic Church doesn’t make many demands in this area, so people can have a diverse set of opinions and share them and figure out where the evidence leads, which is a good and healthy and prudent thing, but I kind of already knew that, this thread just emphasizes it.
OK, so you’ve read over 6000 posts and know less than when you started, because you somehow picked up some huge misunderstandings.
That’s because the theory is big on speculation, and short on details.
That’s because the theory is big on speculation, and short on details.
Which theory do you mean? The one that attempts to explain the fossil record by invoking evolution or the one that tries to explain it by invoking the certainty that every single species that exists was formed in a the single event responsible for the entire physical world, which happened roughly 6,000 years ago?

At any rate, I’m not inclined from this to go back and read the thousands of posts I missed. The conversation seems to be just where I left it.

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So what was it that caused them to die out ?
What caused the extinctions that happened right in front of us?
Usually, it’s the encroachment of man on their environment.
That has been the consistent and clear teaching since the beginning.
Are you telling us that Monsignor Georges Lemaître was condemned for heresy for saying that the universe was more than 6,000 year old?

Or could it be that the Catholic Church allows other interpretations of Genesis?

Same role God has in the operation of the solar system, He created the natural laws which allow and in fact demand that lifeforms evolve.
It’s not a question of the truth of evolution for the Christian, but one of whether or not the paradigm of evolution is contrary to Church teaching. Various popes over the years have said not. There’s a parallel with the Copernican revolution here . Many people of the day, and for many years afterwards, said that the earth could not go around the sun because the Bible says explicitly the the earth is fixed and does not move. (1 Chronicles 16:30 and Psalm 104:5 among others).Today they are saying that evolution cannot be true because the Bible said that God created the world in six days. I can’t help but feel that history is repeating itself.
Different questions. Different considerations. Why bring ANY religious leaders into this discussion?
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