That built in capacity includes transposons which are inserted fragments of DNA from other positions in the molecule. One of the two or more classes is that of retrotransposons produced by reverse transcription, i.e. DNA from RNA. The other is composed of DNA, which carries the code for the protein, transposase that catalyzes the copy or cut and paste that make the transposition possible, while also probably encoding other proteins. This is how one type of microevolution works, diversity within a kind of being. Evolution cannot explain how such an important and sophisticated process arose. This emerged at a point early in the successive creation of living beings on earth.Yes, living beings have the built-in capacity to mutate and evolve. That’s not exactly an argument against evolution.
The giraffe is an extremely complex animal that except for very fundamentalist evolutionist, serves as an example of design, or possibly for pantheists, the creative engineering capacities of a nature taking on a myriad of forms.is it possible that the eohippus and proto-giraffe both come from a forebear? Why not?
A giraffe neck is 6 feet long. If we had to breathe through a tube that long we would suffocate because we would be unable to clear the tube of the carbon dioxide we breathe out. But a giraffe’s lungs are eight times ours with a respirarory rate one third, making it perfect for its dimensions and needs.
Although that long, the neck is still too short to reach the ground and becomes vulnerable when spread its front legs or kneel for a drink of water, they do so rarely, gettting the water they need from the leaves they eat.
They are capable of walking an hour after they are born and can eat solid food within a week.
They sleep in bursts of short minutes at a time for a total of much less than an hour in 24.
They have the same number of bones as we have in their neck.
The rete mirabile is a dense network of small capillaries covering the brain and preventing the rapid changes in blood pressure that would ensue from moving its head. Other mechanisms protecting against fainting are strong valves to stop the back-flow of blood in veins possessing elastic walls that dilate and constrict to control the flow of blood.
There are four similarly looking but genetically quite distinct species which would have diversified and not intermixed, from a common progenitor.
Giraffes run like camels rather than horses.
They have a foot-and-a-half long prehensile tongue.
Their hearts are the biggest of any land mammal, pumping 60 litres of blood per minute at a pressure twice that of a human being.
They apparently eat the bones of carcasses to supplement the large amounts of calcium they need for their bones.
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These among other characteristics make them quite a unique kind of living being. I can’t say for sure, but I think that they were a separate creation from that of an original equus.
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