Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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Another thing I learned from this thread is that “macroevolution” is simply defined as “whatever level of evolution a creationist can plausibly pretend doesn’t happen”
In order for a bird to evolve from a dinoasaur, for example, a lot more than speciation with a genus is required., otherwise a genus will remain the same genus. At the very least therefore, macroevolution requires the evolution of one genus into a different genus. To claim that speciation within a genus is “macrovevolution” is an intelligence-insulting joke … probably born of a desperation to delude oneself that “Macroevolution really happens! We can see it!”
Another thing I learned from this thread is that “macroevolution” is simply defined as “whatever level of evolution a creationist can plausibly pretend doesn’t happen”
In order for a bird to evolve from a dinoasaur, for example, a lot more than speciation with a genus is required., otherwise a genus will remain the same genus. At the very least therefore, macroevolution requires the evolution of one genus into a different genus. To claim that speciation within a genus is “macrovevolution” is an intelligence-insulting joke … probably born of a desperation to delude oneself that “Macroevolution really happens! We can see it!”
Wrong. Get your basic facts straight.
The history of life as revealed by fossils is incomplete due to how rare fossilization is. Evolutionary theory predicts how the gaps can be filled. Successfully, I might add. It allows us to predict if we dig in this place, in this layer, what kind of fossils we will find
As i stated before, the predictions are based on known fossil sequences. An explanation for how these sequences came to be is unnecessary. A geologist could believe the fossils sequences are the result of alien experiments or the activity of fairies, and still make the same predictions based on them that an evolutionist geologist could.

This is not a great analogy, but it might help: Ribotyping involves using known DNA patterns to identify unknown organisms. It isn’t necessary to know how or why DNA patterns came to be the way they are in order to make them useful.

Once indoctrinated with Dobzhansky’s Fallacy, it’s difficult for an evolutionist to think outside that Darwinist box, but please try.
the history of life on earth
The history of life on earth is one of creation, yet many of those doing geology may believe in evolution. The story that it’s cast in doesn’t matter to the actual science involved.
They think it’s a threat. As such they’ll never give the theory a shot. For them, the sun still goes around the earth.
Since that’s not the case with me, I’m thinking this is an example of projection.
The history of life on earth is one of creation, yet many of those doing geology may believe in evolution. The story that it’s cast in doesn’t matter to the actual science involved.
Exactly, but try telling that to our indoctrinated evo-brethren! Any scientific articles and papers they read are written according to the Darwinist paradigm and this creates the illusion that that is the only paradigm that makes sense of what is observed. This myopic, “closed shop” situation in science is, in effect, a recipe for brainwashing.
You guys should go to Life or Cell and tell them that evolution is totally useless and false and pointless, this will come as big news. I expect to see your Nobel prizes in the next year or so. Congrats!
ToE doesn’t say species will “evolve from one genus into another.” That’s a very basic misunderstanding of the theory. Maybe that’s your problem, you don’t understand what you’re talking about at all.
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You guys should go to Life or Cell and tell them that evolution is totally useless and false and pointless, this will come as big news. I expect to see your Nobel prizes in the next year or so. Congrats!
Point 1. Straw man alert! You have conflated the claim that “evolution” is useless with the claim that “evolution” is false. I’ve never claimed that “evolution” is false because it is useless.

Point 2. I have never stated that “evolution” is useless. On the contrary, I have stated numerous times that many forms of “evolution” are very useful in applied science.
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The research that is published has to be related back to the evolutionary model in order for it to be accepted. Peer reviewed it is very likely to be valid on its own. I discard any refence to evolution and I get by fine. Actually, when you get to the applied side of things there is no mention of evolution. It’s all in the physics, chemistry or genetics.
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This is false, I’ve shown many applications before, but it seems that it is an article of faith among you people that you
  1. Cannot understand what the theory of evolution actually is
  2. Cannot accept any evidence that contradicts your assumptions
What is more likely, that every biologist in the world is a brainwashed idiot, or that some lay people who can’t even accurately summarize the theory and who have a religious conviction that if they accept the theory they will become atheists, are wrong?
t’s only the forms of evolution that you don’t like that are not useful
The problem here is with evolutions lack of a specific meaning. If it means manipulating the genome to create a mutated phenotype, then it is used. If we mean that we are going to create Some sort of master race, it’s nonsense. We can breed smart mice and dumb mice, but no mouse with a rational soul.
ToE doesn’t say species will “evolve from one genus into another.” That’s a very basic misunderstanding of the theory. Maybe that’s your problem, you don’t understand what you’re talking about at all.
Point 1. This sounds suspiciously like yet another straw man - my post made no claim at all about what evolutionary theory says.

Point 2. You claim I got my facts wrong. Here is the relevant part of my post:
“In order for a bird to evolve from a dinoasaur, for example, a lot more than speciation with a genus is required., otherwise a genus will remain the same genus. At the very least therefore, macroevolution requires the evolution of one genus into a different genus.”

Which part is factually incorrect?
Gotcha, so it’s only the forms of evolution that you don’t like that are not useful.
This opinion has nothing to do with my argument. My argument is that the information that all life on earth evolved from a common ancestor has no practical use in applied science. Even if all life on earth DID IN FACT evolve from a common ancestor, that information would still be useless to applied science. It has nothing whatsoever to do with forms of evolution that I “don’t like”.
Gravity as it applies to everything on earth or anything that touches humans is great, but gravity that affects Pluto or Alpha Centauri is a useless waste of time mythology and anyone who believes in gravity applying to all mass is a dumb brainwashed idiot, is that right?
This is joke, right?
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I am not a biologist, so forgive my ignorance. But if there are many genuses (or whatever the plural of genus is) and the ToE says all life evolved from one life form, then surely it must mean that “species will evolve from one genus to another” through some process, no? Feel free to educate me, again I am no biologist. Just a lay person trying to reason through these things.
think that evolution as a whole is random. The underlying chemistry is not random. Random mutations are indeed random, but natural selection is not. It is not random that a well camouflaged organism has a better chance of reproducing than a less well camouflaged organism. Overall the process is not random.
But natural selection is a slave to environmental conditons, which are random. So doesn’t this means the process overall is random?
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It happens very, very, very slowly. Or so we’re told.
That 's not what I meant. If speciation is macroevolution, then macroevolution is observable in real time. Hence, according to their word games, evolutionists can claim “macroevolution” (which is really just microevolution) is a “fact”.
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I’m not a biologist but to me it doesn’t look random. It looks intelligently designed.

Genes have an inbuilt capacity to deal with all random changes in the environment so that life has not gone extinct in 4.5 billion years. Isn’t that miraculous? From where I’m sitting, people talking about natural selection are claiming a providential process.

a) There’s no reason life should “adapt” to anything. It should just disappear when it’s no longer fit if the claims of purely material causes are true. A material, blind universe doesn’t care if life or anything at all “survives”.

b) If the idea is that there’s no adaptation but rather a dying away of what doesn’t fit and the continuation of what fits, then it seems to suggest there’s a pre-existing super potentiality in genes or capacity to survive any environment.

Both have God written all over them from where I’m sitting.
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