Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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t had some other petal shape that allowed for pollination, but those that looked most like a female fly had a better chance of being pollinated, and that form dominated.
Evolution made it fit with the plain petal shape, why would evolution have come up with something more elaborate ?
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Because the fly shape is more likely to reproduce. Nature is competitive.
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I dont know, that’s too specific for me. But it could happen over many generations, as each degree closer to the fly shape would be more attractive to flies.
Does that apply to every species?
It applies to every kind of living being. They are made very similar to us, whole in themselves, one spiritual unity containing “information” at a physical level that is organized along psychological and other lines. Their relationship with what is other to them is instinctive, whether its the perception, the way in which the object is conceptualize, the emotion it elicits or the behavioural response. The spirit that defines what we are is eternal, existing at the intersection of time and the renal Now from which everything, everywhere comes into being in its moment. Our sprit is capable of knowing, not merely reacting to external stimuli. There is a unity made possible by our giving of ourselves over to what it is that is other. Humankind has the capacity to act as causal agents; we have a free will whereby we participate in our creation, choosing what we do and who we are. We thereby perceive beauty, know truth and give love. Everything exists as it does, an individual expression of the kind of being it is. This includes ourselves although we are very different.
It’s not good to drink and post. Maybe you’re Canadian; the changes in their laws would explain a lot.
Nope. Right now I’m feeling like this.

Kid Snippets: "Math Class" (Imagined by Kids) - YouTube

I don’t know how to help you, man. Go back to middle school.
Lol…you’re the one that believes a rat like creature morphed into a Whale.
Berkley does too;

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

A lot of creationist make demands wanting to know when the incremental changes occurred that turned a quasi-rat into a whale.

This provides that information. It shows the slow, incremental progression, gives times and species names.

It provides everything that could be asked for, barring use of a time machine.

Refusal after that point is the intellectual equivalent of a three year old stamping their feet screaming “No, no, no!!!”
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Funny you should write that. After years of reading many threads about this on this forum, I have come to two conclusions.
  1. This is not about science at all but a ‘sacred’ secular program to make everyone believe that evolution, as defined here, actually happened as advertised.
  2. In the interests of “engineering consent” to create a more atheist North America and in The West generally.
after reading this thread I have come to two conclusions:
  1. Anti-evolution creationists are bad at science.
  2. This is largely because they think that if they actually try to understand science, it will turn them into atheists.
Most religious people in the US believe humans evolved over time.

Now, I know that you instinctively say “Majority doesn’t make truth” whenever anyone points something like this out, so just to get ahead of that my point isn’t “most people believe it, therefore it’s true”, my point it “most religious people believe in evolution, therefore belief in evolution doesn’t lead to atheism.”
This provides that information. It shows the slow, incremental progression, gives times and species names.
You mean they found a couple of skulls that are millions of years apart and put all the pieces of the puzzle together. :roll_eyes:
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Well, not just skulls there are more of the skeletons, but isn’t it a weird coincidence that the nostrils on those skulls are migrating towards the back of the head as time goes by? And why don’t we see those animals anymore? Any theories on why that might be?
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