Hey, let’s not get so precious here. You are not some innocent student making honest mistakes in interpreting your subject matter. Your are not, in effect, asking questions. Despite the fact that they are written in an interrogative manner. Let’s be honest here. You are making an argument. You are making a stand: ‘Show me this if you can!’All your responses are so many "I’m better than you"s with non-answers slipped in a sentence or two in between. If you’re such an expert, it should be easy to converse with non-experts at their level and dismantle their ideas easily.
I explain complex Catholic theology and Criminal Law to non-believers and non-lawyers all the time without saying “You’re too dumb to know what I mean so I won’t answer your objections. Go get an education first!”
I’ve been around long enough to know that’s a cheap copout and nothing to be impressed by.
If I were the expert in criminal law or theology and I was subect to such an attitude by a student then she would get both barrels. Before one dares to question the veracity of any given matter, it is a matter of common courtesy that one attempts to gain enough knowledge about the subject before demanding answers to what might well be, due to ignorance of the subject matter, nonsensical questions (and getting both barrels).
Notwithstanding that you were given an answer in any case. Forum rules and my natural (but severly tested) good nature and bonhomie allowed for that. So how about, rather than complaining that there appears to be an all too obvious difference in my knowledge about the matter and yours, you address the answer and respond to it.