Living things are not a pair of dice. The time x mutations = a new life form is highly problematic. How does anyone know that a creature with a mutation even survives to breed and pass it on? Sure, beneficial mutations occur but they are outnumbered by detrimental mutations. Let’s try to build an organism like a complex mechanical device, which follows the approach scientists are using to take apart the genome, bit by bit. The tiny, incremental changes have to follow a good change, and then another good change. If a bad change interrupts the process then everything stops.
The blind watchmaker cannot be assumed to be making a watch if he doesn’t put the right parts in the right relationship with the rest of the parts to make a working watch. If he puts in the wrong part, no watch. The same can be said for living things. The locations of various parts needs to be precise, like a watch, and in the correct relationship to one another to make an organism, much less an “upgraded,” more complex organism. Those new parts need to “know” where to go. In the case of novel organs, they need to fit, get a blood supply and proper neurological connections.