There are serious problems with communication that I attribute primarily. to simple arguentative temperaments.
Obviously, the principle of entropy, in keeping with the law of thermodynamics is everywhere or else a fridge in one part of the universe wouldn’t work.
In the Trump era, when a wall is not a wall if if it’s a fence and facts are variable and ‘truth is not truth’, to have you not use the term ‘constant’ when referring to entropy could be classed as a step in the right direction. But it’s not.
Obfuscation is par for the course in this thread. And always used by those who have a serious lack of knowledge of the matter in hand. So let’s see if we can have some honesty.
Is entropy a constant?
Now the only answer to that question is ‘No’. But feel free, after you have answered it honestly, to use any excuse you would care to try on to explain why you got it so blazingly wrong in the first instance - not my area of expertise, I was given wrong information, I was confused about the terminology, we can’t all be scientific experts, the dog eat my homework…pick any one you like. But let’s strive for an honest reply in the first instance.