Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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I do not. Life requires up to five components. Physical form is one of the optional components since purely immaterial entities do not have it. However, as the other four components are found in Buddhist scriptures I am not discussing them (much) in this thread, which is about evolution – a material process.
You “do not” what? Admit that reality is both material and immaterial? You just did!
…the universe is partly material and partly immaterial.
Your response avoids the question I asked: If the totality is both material and immaterial, what’s the logic in determining apriori that the immaterial has no effect on the material? That’s rather arbitrary and based on neither evidence nor logic. It’s just a choice you make apriori and then artificially confine all possible answers to the boundaries you’ve drawn without any good logical reason.

It’s one thing to say that the scientific method does not admit immaterial explanations (perhaps! I highly doubt that though, given what I know about the scientific study of parapsychology). It is quite another to claim as you do that this constitutes a complete answer to the question of life by default. The first describes science, the second describes an unjustifiable philosophical position.
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@rossum, I apologize for the “you should know by now” statement. Was unnecessarily rude and I’ve deleted it. You’re a polite discussant and don’t deserve that attitude. Mea culpa.
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If the totality is both material and immaterial, what’s the logic in determining apriori that the immaterial has no effect on the material?
Where have I said that? Some parts of the universe are purely material, the orbit of the earth around the sun for example. There is no need for angels to push the planets round their orbits.

The immaterial does have some effects on the material, as with karma, but there are large parts of the material world that operate perfectly well without immaterial influence, chemistry for example. Are djinni needed to form a water molecule from hydrogen and oxygen?
Where have I said that?
It’s the logical implications of your arguments that insist that despite the impossible odds, we must just accept that things without consciousness displayed the attributes of intelligence i.e. created instructions. If you were not dogmatically committed to materialism, there would be no reason to hold on to such a notion.
Some parts of the universe are purely material, the orbit of the earth around the sun for example. There is no need for angels to push the planets round their orbits.
I beg to differ, the angels rule the cosmos well beyond our earthly sights and detection mechanisms. 😉

But back to the topic! That’s a bad analogy. There is no logical reason to be shocked that the earth is affected by gravity that I can think of. But I’ll tell you what, if the earth starts displaying the attributes of consciousness in its movements, like deciding against all odds to start ducking to avoid collisions with giant asteroids heading our way or something, I’ll need more than gravity to explain that behaviour.

In that case, either the earth is intelligent or it was manipulated by something that is. There are no other logical options. But note, even then, wed be talking of a small degree of intelligence, animal level. What you’re claiming was done by things with even less intelligence than animal intelligence (zero), is a good deal more: It’s something even we are not capable of!

So no, we don’t artificially lock out possible explanations by deciding arbitrarily that only material answers are allowed while believing in a reality that is both material and immaterial. We just stick to logic. This is why I had no problem with evolution as I understood it before.

(PS: That, by the way, is no proof that physics doesn’t need an immaterial player. It’s just enough to explain the earth’s movement within physics (the cosmos) using gravity, itself part of physics. But of course when you follow that chain of causation to the end, you still have to wind up with an immaterial foundation to make any of it possible at all, beyond physics.)
The immaterial does have some effects on the material, as with karma, but there are large parts of the material world that operate perfectly well without immaterial influence, chemistry for example. Are djinni needed to form a water molecule from hydrogen and oxygen?
I’d say there are large parts we can explain without resorting to immaterial realities, but that’s not proof that these large parts in fact operate, as you say, “without immaterial influence”. Just not any we can detect.
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It’s the logical implications of your arguments that insist that despite the impossible odds, we must just accept that things without consciousness displayed the attributes of intelligence i.e. created instructions.
Your calculation of the odds is incorrect. Evolution has the effect of smearing out the odds into small bite-size pieces. The jump from earthworm intelligence to human intelligence is very large, as you say. But the jump from earthworm intelligence to Amphioxus intelligence is a lot smaller. Evolution is a way to put together a lot of those smaller steps to combine into a larger step.

Your “created” instruction is assuming what you have to prove. This thread discusses creation/design versus evolution. You cannot assume your conclusion.
Your calculation of the odds is incorrect. Evolution has the effect of smearing out the odds into small bite-size pieces. The jump from earthworm intelligence to human intelligence is very large, as you say. But the jump from earthworm intelligence to Amphioxus intelligence is a lot smaller. Evolution is a way to put together a lot of those smaller steps to combine into a larger step.
That’s not the intelligence I refer to. You again just fly past the point. It’s the intelligence behind the mechanism itself that is responsible for all these intelligences, earthworm to human we’re talking about: a code of instructions bearing the full potential of all these creatures and their levels of intelligence.

There isn’t a human being that can create something like that, so I don’t understand what you mean in talking of badly calculated odds. Perhaps you know someone who has produced something like this I haven’t heard of?

I only need know that instructions are the result of a process to know whether that process is intelligent or not. It is the onus of those who claim that once upon a time, blind chemicals in fact created an instruction, and then another, who must establish their unbelievable claim. Whoever claims the magic must produce the evidence.

But this here:
Evolution has the effect of smearing out the odds into small bite-size pieces.
What you’re claiming here is nothing short of a giant exclamation of faith : “By the almighty power of evo, everything is possible!”, no different than a preacher on the streets proclaiming the almighty power of Jesus. The fact that you believe something strongly doesn’t suffice to make it logical. Explain that almighty power, don’t just assert it. How does a blind process with zero intelligence produce instructions, even a single instruction?

You’re claiming that the TV wrote its manual or software and then asserting that those who reject this are presuming things: incredible! Nah, actually, you’re claiming that the material in the hardware wrote the manual and then the manual told the material how to arrange itself into a TV.
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Your “created” instruction is assuming what you have to prove. This thread discusses creation/design versus evolution. You cannot assume your conclusion.
I need assume nothing except that the instructions were not always here. Are you saying they were? Well then, they were created. You think accidental actions of things without intelligence did it whereas I think an intelligence did. There’s no question of whether these instructions are created or not, though. That’s an incredible misunderstanding/claim on your part, I must admit.
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It’s the intelligence behind the mechanism itself that is responsible for all these intelligences, earthworm to human we’re talking about: a code of instructions bearing the full potential of all these creatures and their levels of intelligence.
Again, you are assuming Intelligent Design. You cannot assume your conclusion; that is an obvious logical error. Evolution has evidence. Where is your evidence of the Intelligent Designer creating a new species?
Again, you are assuming Intelligent Design. You cannot assume your conclusion; that is an obvious logical error. Evolution has evidence. Where is your evidence of the Intelligent Designer creating a new species?
You want to find assumptions, take a good long look in the mirror, friend. My evidence for intelligence is the existence of instructions! (Repeated for the bazillionth time). It’s in every instance of instruction we have found that has a mind as its cause. Where’s your evidence that anything without intelligence creates instructions, ever?

Evolution has no evidence of what you’re claiming: that’s flatly false. You have pointed to amino acids and such. That’s absolute zero evidence of instructions appearing without a mind. What you have is your belief. Not a shred of evidence.
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Even though I do believe in Divine creation, nevertheless there’s a reality that should be shared in that there are innumerable physical reactions going on constantly everywhere in the universe, and maybe beyond, that we can think of, and these reactions can produce all sorts of different combinations. Even in the room that one may be in, who knows how many things are in flux, especially when we consider subatomic particles.

The ToE simply does not in any way contradict Divine creation but helps to explain the process by which God allowed all to evolve over time. IOW, everything that we experience indicates that the entire universe is constantly changing, and what ultimately caused these changes I call “God”.
The ToE simply does not in any way contradict Divine creation but helps to explain the process by which God allowed all to evolve over time. IOW, everything that we experience indicates that the entire universe is constantly changing, and what ultimately caused these changes I call “God”.
What you explain excludes randomness and therefore does not lend the support to the evo claims you appear to support here. My rejection of this ‘magical cause’ claimed regarding DNA is based not on Catholicism but plain logic. That something does not contradict the faith does not mean it conforms to reason automatically. What these guys are claiming is not in anyway “natural” according to the universe we know. It is precisely no different than being asked to believe that a plane was assembled by a natural, undirected process.
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Only if one took the position that God literally orchestrates every single change, which I do not.
That’s simply untrue. You said you believe all the changes are caused by God ultimately. He sets everything up. Unless you think he has no will or goal in setting things up, your position is self-contradiction. You want to have determination and randomness/indeterminacy, to have your cake and eat it, and that’s not possible.
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That’s simply untrue. You said you believe all the changes are caused by God ultimately. He sets everything up.
That’s actually called “predestination”, which I have never accepted, nor do most Catholics and other Christians.

Also, in Jewish theology, there’s the common belief that God did not entirely finish creation so as to make the world ours, not just His.
That’s actually called “predestination”, which I have never accepted, nor do most Catholics and other Christians.

Also, in Jewish theology, there’s the common belief that God did not entirely finish creation so as to make the world ours, not just His.
So you think God did not intend for me, you, or any specific person or living creature to exist when he created the universe? Do you think Adam was not specifically desired and intended? Do you think Our Lord’s humanity was not specifically intended? Do you think Our Lady was not specifically intended to exist when God made this universe? Do you think there is even a single human being whose existence was not specifically chosen? You think this universe was not created with man in mind? God simply set things up so that we “might” exist, but possibly not?

And then you claim this is the Christian and Catholic position? Absolutely false. I highly doubt this is Jewish either. You are proclaiming the Deistic God and sneaking him into Christianity. We don’t believe in that God.

The only thing random in the universe is free will. And even all the effects of that are fully factored into God’s “calculations” of the universe, right from the beginning!

You are clearly misapplying principles of free will and essentially expanding them to apply to everything in the universe rather than just each individual human choice. You’re treating rocks and human beings the same before God. It’s like you think they have equal freedom to do what they want before God, people and rocks alike. That’s bizarre and nothing to do with Judaeo-Christian conceptions of God, I might add.

God does not interfere with free will, does not mean that he is himself bound from bringing about the effects he wants in triumph even over evil choices. If that was true, statements like “All things work together for the good of them that love the Lord” would not have found themselves into scripture. Moreover, it’s precisely the hope and assurance of God ultimately bringing about a VERY specific outcome to his creation that is foundational to Christianity. The Judaeo-Christian God, unlike the Deistic God, is very fond of and intervenes in his creation, especially in human affairs.
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Also, in Jewish theology, there’s the common belief that God did not entirely finish creation so as to make the world ours, not just His.
In addition, the fact that the universe is ‘becoming’ is very well embedded in Catholic thought and does not in any sense suggest, as you are, that God creates or created the universe without a specific goal. Our Catechism is clear: None of us is an accident! None of our specific existences is “random”! Not in any way. Each one of us is desired and chosen by God to exist very deliberately and specifically. It is amazing to me that someone would have the audacity to claim that this is unCatholic.

Lastly, even what you describe about humans having a role in creation does not support your ideas about non-human things like amino acids also being co-creators with God. You’re saying God did not finish so we could have a part, but what you’re arguing is that everything has a part, not just us. That’s essentially the “random” claim. And it’s absurd especially from the angle you’re approaching it from (i.e from a theistic/Christian angle).
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My evidence for intelligence is the existence of instructions!
They are not instructions; they are chemical patterns which you interpret as instructions. Have a look at the structure of Transfer-RNA (tRNA) - it is just a chemical with very obvious chemical matches at both ends.

Does gravity provide “instructions” to planets to tell them how to move? Does valency provide “instructions” to elements to tell them how to react with each other?

Your brain is the only intelligence involved here. You are overlaying an internal pattern from your mind onto an external entity, similar to the way that internal pattern for “water” is overlaid onto the sight of a mirage. As with a mirage, your pattern-matching is in error here.

A common argument for ID boils down to “It sure looks designed to me.” In effect you are giving a version of that argument.
They are not instructions; they are chemical patterns which you interpret as instructions. Have a look at the structure of Transfer-RNA (tRNA) - it is just a chemical with very obvious chemical matches at both ends.
You’re saying the DNA does not contain a blue print of the organism that directs very specifically how protein and cells are to behave, in particular how they build themselves up into that specific organism? Again, the gravity example is totally irrelevant. There’s no info in gravity. I’ll wait for an actual example of an instance in actual reality where things are directed to behave a certain, specific way by things that are not intelligent. Moreover, with a certain, highly sophisticated project and product: a complete, living organism. The “its just a chemical” statement is equally irrelevant: I’m talking about the code, not the paper the code is written on. I couldn’t care less if the code is written on feathers or in the clouds. I only care that it’s a code.
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