Then change is an illusion? That would make Darwinism an illusion too.
An amazing claim. The present is not like the past.
No, no, I didn’t mean that the past and future aren’t different in that no matter or energy are in different places.
No, I mean different in the sense that these
may, in some sense, already exist.
That wouldn’t preclude a non-chaotic connection between one moment and the next.
This is in keeping with the opinion of some philosophers that all of space and time are known to God as an immediate experience, rather than the past being “stored in memory” and the future being known as a prospect that has no existence in reality yet. We, in contrast, can only know the moment we refer to as “Now.” Everything else is outside our direct experience but is only known by the evidence that past events left in now or that the current moment implies about the future based on our limited knowledge of cause and effect.
I think the order in the universe is beyond the comprehension of human beings in any but very abstract terms. We shouldn’t limit what happens in reality to what we allow our imaginations to accept.
You have to be able to accept that free will and omniscience concerning the future are not mutually-exclusive possibilities. If that requires divine intervention of some kind or physical laws of which we are not aware, so be it. I don’t see, however, how evolution can be excluded as a creative choice. If we believe both that the weather follows physical laws and that God determines where there will be rain and where there will be drought, how is evolution something that can be excluded from the realm of Providence? That doesn’t make sense to me.
Perhaps we will find that our human choices were not disconnected and made with one divorced from another, as we thought in our limited experience of time (not to mention our limited self-awareness), but rather made as a whole on an eternal plane, as we imagine the angels made the decision to ally themselves with Heaven or with Hell.