My understabding currently is that it’s the most rigorously established theory. I like it because it ended the “universe doesn’t need a creator because it has no beginning” materialist arguments that prevailed in the era of Newtonian physics.
Going backwards in time, the assumption is that the future shape of the universe, although randomly happening as it did, was definitely a potential existing at the very beginning, that the laws of physics that govern the randomness are eternal essentially. So time and space began, and the universe cooled in the formation of matter.
As you say it is the most rigorously established theory, but I quibble with how it is presented. God did first create light, as well as cyclical progressive time with the bringing of space-time into existence. And, He utilized that light in the creation of a new kind of being, the atom. Each progressive step, a workday for our Divine artictic Creator, sees new kinds of being, living forms in a hierarchy of life, culminating in mankind. In a garden universe which we are meant to tend, we do His work helping one another and trying to maintain various disappearing ecosystems.
What initially caused my disenchantment with the various aspects of evolution that were drilled into me, was the fact that I could not include God in that picture. I must say that it was second nature to think that way, as it is to look into the night sky and see Hubble images in my mind. For myself, it could make some sense that adding code here and there God might have transformed some rat-looking kind of animal into a whale. But, things got really iffy, trying to figure out how God could cause some simian creature to give rise to myself, given that I am expression of one human nature. But, most definitely any of this was more plausible than imagining stuff that can’t be done in the controlled conditions of a lab, could ever happen randomly and spontaeously.
On the other hand, It seems more trouble to hatch a placental creature from an egg than to simply make it, as He does me right here and now, this moment a node in my lifeline. It’s creation of the first of a thing either way, one is merely all wrapped up in the genetics and epigenetics of an embryo, placed in the environment of an egg, and the other complete, as part of its environment. Favouring an evolutionary perspective is tied to being used to thinking of things happening of their own accord, even their own creation.
We shouldn’t forget the existence of mind - perceptions, feelings, cognition and action, which shapes the neuronal connections of the brain, and results in a kind of being operating within a wholely different set of relationships than those that govern basic matter.
And of course, primary is the existence of things in themselves, like you or me, or my cat. The world is filled with individual expressions of very different kinds of being, which had a beginning in time and have the capacity to express themselves in diverse and unique ways.