My baloney detector switched on because that statement is not true. I mean, mentioning God in science class is not a thing.
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You are willing to continually comment that the designer is God and afraid of the conclusions, evo does the same thing. It makes atheists.Nobody must teach atheism and no-one is denying God by teaching evolution.
Now you are being specific I can agree with you. You aren’t allowed to mention any gods in a science class (so don’t feel like you are being picked on).My baloney detector switched on because that statement is not true. I mean, mentioning God in science class is not a thing.
Straw man. Evolution does not denyGod.…evo does the same thing. It makes atheists.
Straw man. Evolution does not deny God. It denies fundamentalist beliefs in scripture, which is not the same thing.You must remember the alleged stories of Fundamentalists who experience the life-changing horror of finding out that evolution destroys their belief system. They become atheists. “This… this all happens with God!?!” And so on.
“You will know them by their fruits”Straw man. Evolution does not denyGod.
Straw man. Nobody is denying the right for creationism to be taught. But religious beliefs (which creationism is) cannot be taught in schools and most definitely not in a science class. But it can be taught.Oh no. I can see the barricades in front of the not-sacred Science Class now. The backpacks of students being searched not for weapons but something worse: creationist literature. Forget coke and meth in schools. If even one creationist pamphlet starts circulating… well, the students might start thinking differently. Can’t have that.
Feel free to be specific…The needle on my baloney detector is going up. You’re just dodging and weaving again.
I missed this one. And the answer is a most definite yes.Should God be allowed to be taught in public school philosophy class?
Again, if you think I am dodging a question, then please be specific. I don’t want hot air. It is a forum. We are allowed to discuss things. Such as ‘I think you have dodged this point X because Y. What say you?’Nice dodge. You may want to check the name of this forum again.
Observation tells me that they look designed.Are plants and animals designed or not? I mean, no need to refer to DNA. You’re a smart guy. What does observation tell you?
No. I went further than simple observation (gee, it looks designed) and read a monstrous amount about biology and realised that they only had the appearance of design.Thanks. Do you think that they were actually designed?