Actually, I have no problem with this. Let’s hope Buff’s teacher reads it so she’ll know how to separate religion and science.Student: If DNA is so complex, how did it make itself?
Teacher: There’s a lot of speculation about that but scientists don’t know.
Student: Then why are you teaching me this stuff like it’s carved in stone?
Teacher: It’s not carved in stone.
Student: OK. So what’s all this good for?
Teacher: Working Biologists believe one thing and do another.
Student: Huh?
Teacher: No Biologist working in the field needs to believe evolution is true. That’s just what they’re told going on many generations now. Let me put it this way, once you get to a lab and begin your work, you won’t be thinking about evolution. You’ll be thinking things like ‘how does this molecular switch work?’ What role does it play in cellular processes? Does it lead to disease if it malfunctions? What else does it do?’
Student: Got it. So I’ll just pass my tests and move on.
Teacher: Right.
Well done.
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