ToE is a better scientific explanation that ID - because the rules of science doesn’t allow for a divine Creator
The rules of science rest on empirical evidence. In the same way that empirically, we cannot prove our own existence, we cannot prove that of God. We begin with the assumption that there exists a structure to the universe, and that we can come to know it. Science involves observations and manipulations of events to understand the relationships which join them together. We try to weave these threads into a picture that makes them understandable and technically useful.
At the basis, either the universe itself is rational, or the source of that order is other to it, bringing it into existence.
A monist perspective, which I would think likely most biologist possess, would see life as a natural force, that acts in addition to those we study in physics. Just as gravity will inevitably cause an object to fall, there would be an ordering principle in the universe that results in living forms, which grow in complexity over successive generations, with all living forms sharing, for all intents and purposes, a common descent. Pretty much all science fiction is based on such an assumption.
Deists and it would appear, some Christians, believe an external all-powerful deity created that order.
Another view would hold that, since everything that is now, derives its existence from a transcendent, eternal Source, as this moment is brought into existence as part of everything else, so too, would a first of any kind of being - atoms, bacteria, plants, and we, ourselves. Living forms would be brought together, whole, utilizing the information of pre-existing creatures in the formation of the new. It makes no difference whether a placental animal hatched from an egg or came to be in a swirl of energy, the same sort of ordering takes place.
The ToE is not a better scientific explanation, but rather philosophical one, that is simplistic and far-fetched at best, if not irrational.