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Therefore by not allowing a divine cause it is so limited. Why should anyone limit their search for knowledge so severely.
The short answer?
Science advances by testing and questioning. Faith and revelation are outside the sphere of the method.
God cannot be put to the test.
A miracle is defined as an extraordinary sensible effect wrought by God that surpasses the power and order of created nature.
Science, meanwhile, is the study of the power and order that is inherent in created nature.
Those things the Divine Will accomplishes according to the power and order that God put into created nature are within the purview of science. Those things the Divine Will accomplishes by a power and order that is above that put into created nature are supernatural: miracles.
If someone were to say there are things that can be investigated by science and things accomplished by the power of God, that is making a false dichotomy. Everything that exists, including all order in the universe, all matter, and all energy, and all beings, whether embodied or existing as spirits only, are the creations of God, created from nothing.
These are the possibilities, then: One is that God created all things with biological life on earth via the action of the power and order God put into matter and energy itself. The other is that God elected to intervene into the universe in a way that was above or outside the typical functioning of matter and energy in order to create the living things on earth. If God elected to create life on earth via the first mechanism, it will be discoverable by science. If by the second, then two possibilities exist. The first is that the intervention will appear to be something that cannot be accounted for without invoking supernatural intervention. The second is that the intervention might have appearances consistent with natural processes, even though those were not responsible.
If God created life by employing natural processes God built into the universe and foreknew would result in life, then the theory of “intelligent design” would be accurate but there would also be a scientific explanation, such as natural selection, and scientists would see no reason to call it “intelligent design.” If God created life by an intervention that cannot be explained without admitting supernatural intervention, it would not be “intelligent design.” Science wouldn’t conclude from the lack of an explanation that no explanation could exist, however. Science would assume that a natural means could exist that science had not found yet. If God created the universe by a supernatural intervention, it is still possible that science might think it happened by natural means if there was no evidence they could find that it could not have happened that way.
As Catholics, we must believe this: God created the universe and all life came from God’s hand. We are not an accident and life on this earth is not an accident. After that, though, there are various possibilities.