Not necessarily. The rational ordering of the world from the subatomic, to the galaxies and worlds that contain, at least in one case, highly complex beings such as ourselves, and the great diversity of life around us, that order could be intrinsic to nature itself. A cosmic supreme intelligence can be imagined to be playing itself out, seeking to create and/or find itself, in the dreams that it fashions of itself. Living forms would build upon that which has been formed, as all is in a state of change, within an infinite minestrone soup containing a myriad of beings.
It is my impression that this would be in fact what most biologist think. It isn’t science, and one wouldn’t expect to find it in the literature. That said, neither is the ToE, even though people ignore its inherent metaphysical assumptions about the nature of creation.
To my way of thinking, the fact that we, ourselves as individuals, exist in a state of finite being, able to relate to what is other to our being, suggests that there is something even graeter going on; that the Ground of all being, Existence itself, is relational. And perfect relationality is Love, uniting all that it brings forth into being.