If you show me a paper from Nature that promotes intelligent design, I will eat my hat.
You really do not know why Penrose was quoted. But hey that is OK.Please explain…
This is also maybe I should call it rule #2. Attack challenges to the current paradigm as conspiracy videos. That will scare the folks away for sure. What are you afraid of?Why would I watch YouTube conspiracy videos?
So, you admit that there is evidence for macro-evolution at or below the Family level. Progress!What have you just posted that is proof of macro evolution above the family level?
You posted a quote from him that was related to entropy and how it related to the big bang. And the figures he used he went on to say were fallacious. Not that it had anything to do with evolution.Bradskii:
You really do not know why Penrose was quoted. But hey that is OK.Please explain…
Do you trust? Phys.org? Sciencedaily? NIH? NatGeo? Plos? Plosbiology?You can’t even point out conspiracy theories anymore with offending someone. It’s almost like the conspiracy theorists know they’re wrong and are just too afraid to admit it.
We don’t trust you. Page One of your own web site contains information that we must assume you knew was irrelevant and misleading.PhiriTalk:
Do you trust? Phys.org? Sciencedaily? NIH? NatGeo? Plos? Plosbiology?You can’t even point out conspiracy theories anymore with offending someone. It’s almost like the conspiracy theorists know they’re wrong and are just too afraid to admit it.
Yet you did not answer? What is the conspiracy you are accusing me of?You can’t even point out conspiracy theories anymore with offending someone. It’s almost like the conspiracy theorists know they’re wrong and are just too afraid to admit it.
Ahhh I see. So even if one link to science backing my claim is irrelevant because you profiled me. This is funny. You seem to not actually study science yourself. You just swallow what they feed you uncritically.You’ve promoted a number of conspiracy theories on here. You’ve expressed anti-vax views, climate denial views, and most ardently, evolution denial views. You appear to be quite detached from reality my friend.
Don’t forget your explanation about Penrose’s quote…off to Divine Mercy - i will be back
Nah, that’s not true. Your web site has been checked and we didn’t swallow that.You just swallow what they feed you uncritically.
There is a truth, to which we all relate in our own fashion.Aloysium:
… and for me reason does no such thing. Each to his own.Reason informs us that the life form(s) that were present at the foundation of this garden planet, could not have come to be as a result of purely chemical processes
I don’t see it any more possible than would be a flat earth, even though when we walk from place to place, it seems undoubtably true.Aloysium:
Whats the point of genetics, and our genetic similarities with other organisms, if evolution is not true?To deny that life evolved on earth, is not to deny genetics, which actually leads one to confront the deficiencies of the theory of evolution.
Genetics brings us a wealth of information that shows us how evolution is actually possible.