It’s obvious to me that it is not. Go figure.It’s obvious that Evolution is true.
It’s obvious to me that it is not. Go figure.It’s obvious that Evolution is true.
You might as well be telling me that the earth is flat regardless of what I think.Evolution still happens regardless of what your opinion of it is though. That’s the beauty of it.
Tell me about it.there’s too much time and effort convincing people who don’t think that’s its real
Straw man. Nobody has claimed in this forum that evolution denies God. Do not play fast and loose with the facts.Then what is it good for? As far as I can tell, here its only purpose is to promote atheism.
Is the statement unclear? Does it indicate belief or unbelief? Is it a statement of faith? Are you confused about its meaning? Do I need to take any position at all on gods, God or Chritianity to be able to point out that your claim that evolution denies God is abject nonsense?Have you become a deist?
I am back with more conspiracy links.Who’s “they”? The aliens? The masons? The Illuminati?
You haven’t given a single link though, except for your own blog, which is full of links to conspiracy YouTube videos.
What about science do you view me as not understanding?
I accept evolution, you don’t.
Rejecting properly reasoned and properly investigated science is rejecting God. Also important to remember, God is under no obligation to let us see everything. We are limited to what we can see and ascertain about His creation.Rejecting science is rejecting God.