It’s widely held because it’s the reality we live in. When has anything in the universe ever been made fully formed? Is there a single example of that anywhere? Doesn’t seem to be the way God operates. No, it’s much more convoluted to say he must pop things into existence. It actually comes across as a lack of foresight. Of course, he could create like that. We’ve just never seen him do it.
Reality would be the relationship we have with everything, individually, and collectively share. Of one thing I am certain, although we can communicate, there are fundamental differences in our realities.
But, I do agree, things do not pop pop into existence, they are created, here and now, and when the firsts of all this was given existence.
Did water turn into wine? Did Jesus leave the tomb and return? Do you live in hope of a final resurrection? Did Jesus calm the seas and walk on water? Did Peter sink into the sea for a lack of faith? Were the sick healed and the dead risen? Was there a universal fall, requiring the incarnation, death and resurrection of the Word of God? Is God in fact God, transcendent and intimately in our lives, as He is with all of nature, such that, in Jesus’ words, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care.”
Clearly your faith in evolution is great. Direct common ancestry appears as an illusion to me. I say it like I see it.
I think I agree with all of that. But it still doesn’t answer the question.
The thing about questions is that they answer themselves. It can take a lot of work, but the question asked, receives a reply. Where it is not forthcoming, the reason is that it is irrational or the assumptions of which it has been constructed, have gone unrecognized.