When we are discussing evolution, it goes far beyond the theory as a part of the encompassing compendium of current scientific knowledge, which is always in flux.especially with this subject
It is a challenge to traditional Biblical interpretation. Where it is used to defend atheism, it is clearly inconsistent with the teachings of the church.
Evolution plays an important part in a new modern vision of ourselves. Evolutionary theories presents mankind as arising from the beasts and as beasts ourselves. As such, we are not bound to moralities beyond those we create. Those moralities rooted in randomness and natural selection cannot be but utilitarian, placing the ultimate importance on either the individual or the collective. We consequently strive for power rather than love, what is in it for us, as opposed to seeking the good for the other. It directs us to pleasure, wealth, and honour, that which satisfies our animal needs, and is consequently transient, unable to unfulfill to our deepest yearnings, the desire for God. The worship of power and that which it can gather for our satisfactions, leads to a depreciation of those who are found lacking - the unborn and the infirm. Rather than enduring to the very end, living each moment what it means to be human, as exemplified by St John Paul II, we take charge of our own lives, not trusting in God and His Providence, some ending them in a sacrifice to hubris. Evolution is a story twisting the few facts discovered by science, to present a view of ourselves in the world that justifies personal immorality and spirit destroying communist, fascist and consumer societies.
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