Quotes and responses from the paper you claim supports your claim we have clear evo pathways. Uh - no we don’t as the paper clearly shows.Paste this into Google:
the bacterial flagellar motor and the evolution of molecular machines - Biochemist e-volution
Molecular machines
The flagellar motor self-assembles using an integral self-assembly machinery called a ‘type III secretion system’ that assembles itself by pumping building blocks up through a channel through the hollow flagellum to assemble on the growing distal tip. (self assembly - are there instructions or does it just pop together?) (Here we see the reason the modern synthesis is being shelved and being replaced by the EES)
No such fossil record exists for molecular machines, meaning that evolutionary inferences must be based on sequence comparison alone. (Yup, we knew this, perhaps some here did not)
Nevertheless, how these proteins were co-opted into the first flagellar ancestor remains unclear. (design is a much better explanation but this author dare not go there)
ll motors have a conserved structural core (what I have been saying for years - design)
scaffold structures (scaffolds? rotfl - evolution has no foresight - smacks of design)
effectively, motors have evolved alternative ‘gearings ’. Intriguingly, this has happened multiple times independently (we call this adaptation, and design)
on inferring an evolutionary pathway (inferring? - so this paper does not support Bradski’s claim)
This motor was, then, naively ‘irreducibly complex’,
despite clear evidence from sequence homology that it had evolved from a common simpler ancestor. How then, had this more complex motor evolved without passing through a non-functional – and therefore selectively detrimental – intermediate? (missing links? More missing links? Design fits better)
while others had only the outer membrane-associated scaffold proteins, with no clear trail of breadcrumbs leading back along an evolutionary pathway to a simpler ancestral state. (yup - no evidence)
and outer membrane-associated structures have convergently evolved
multiple times (smacks of design)
We see recurring themes in molecular evolution of the flagellar motor, either in terms of convergent evolution of similar forms or functions, or more
abstract recurrences, suggesting a limited number of solutions to a given evolutionary challenge, albeit one that can be achieved with different building blocks (yup - design used existing building blocks over and over)
we see repeated co-optation of pre-existing machinery (LOL - more design - author must be closet ID guy)
This is a design paper - although he uses the term evolution so many times.
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