… It is difficult to see…
I highlight these words because these words, or words to the same effect, are at the heart of every anti-evolution arguement I have ever seen…
I posit that all such
arguements are unscientific. More than that, they are not logical. This is not to say that the person making the argument is any less knowledgeable than others in the field. It is an illogical arguement even if
no one sees or knows the missing data.
I don’t remember presenting an arguement
, much less an illogical one.
The question I posed had to do with whether the conditions for abiogenesis could be radically different from the conditions conducive to prolonging or replicating life.
If we currently have conditions that favour propagation could you explain why those same conditions couldn’t also favour abiogenesis? Just askin’.
Again, I am not making an argument, I am raising a possible issue. Rather than dismiss it outright, why not try to discuss it? I didn’t realize scientific theories required the same kind of protective mothering to guard them against critique that baby birds need while hatching and fledging.
It is difficult to see why they would.
If I were prone to follow your lead – which I am not – I could make a statement about those who argue on behalf of evolution who seem to have a nasty way of dismissing anyone who even questions what evolution would involve in order to understand it better. I mean even assuming anyone who doesn’t get it is a dunderhead or lacking common sense.
Is it really an “illogical argument” to pose a question?
Or is it an illogical argument to turn the proposal of a question into an “illogical argument,” as you have none?
I suppose your strategy is a step up from accusing anyone who even so much as questions the
THEORY of evolution of insanity or lacking common sense.
The evolution of species is self evident to any sane and observant person who can absorb common sense scientific evidence.
I suppose gravity is “self-evident to any sane and observant person who can absorb common sense scientific evidence,” but are the
theories surrounding gravity, that try to explain how it works, also as “self-evident” to anyone who is not insane?
Same thing with evolution. Yup, species change and evolve – that is evident and common sensical. The how and why they evolve, is quite a different matter, no? Especially, the question of how life began.
Again, Leaf, I is just askin’ questions not trying to have an