I’m sorry, but your first sentence makes no sense.
And you have just posted a video that says organic material was found in dinosaur bones that are millions of years old. And then say that it proves that they are not millions of years old.
The word your missing is Alleged!
Alleged to be millions of years old, but those living outside of padded cells know that when the science you claim to believe in tells you that soft tissue and blood cells in fossils would be impossible for all the obvious reasons you now have to believe they are wrong!
So you and evolutionary science are saying it is possible for all these fossils to have blood and tissue, so why should I listen to you again?
If you were in your right mind you would know that these fossils can not be millions of years old no matter what kind of rushed desperate pleas that come from the evolution camp trying to tell us black is white. Only a fool would swallow that pill.
Darwin’s Theory ? my tea bags have less holes in them than that load of old cobblers.
You seem confused about my post referring to fraud committed by evolutionists.
How about Tetrapods fish
Evolution of tetrapods - Wikipedia
This is what was being peddled as the forerunner of all land animals and still is even after finding species alive to day that for some strange reason have not changed a bit in unknown millions of years.
so again if you want to show me a transitional fossil then i’m all eyes
I don’t need to read fallacy, I don’t need Mary Schweitzer to tell me she is unhappy with some people stating the obvious about her findings,( she is not the only one either there are plenty of fossils with blood and tissue) I need her to explain why one day something was impossible and after finding the impossible it is now possible.
This is your science your belief system that contradicts itself not mine.
just to touch on an earlier post of yours, in which you try to allude to my beliefs being the way they are because of some kind of misunderstanding of God or the bible, that isn’t washing either, I do not believe evolution to be ridiculous because of my faith, that is very strong I believe it to be ridiculous because of the scientific evidence disproving it.
I admit I am more comfortable talking theology or philosophy as they are my passions but I don’t like the way lies are peddled to children who are put into indoctrination camps and fed a diet of lies from secular priests looking to take them away from God so they can take control of their minds and hearts.