Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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During the first Round Table audience discussion, Hands introduced himself as the author of Cosmosapiens: Human Evolution from the Origin of the Universe and made the following comments.

“It’s appropriate that this meeting is being held at the Royal Society, whose motto, we were reminded yesterday, is Nullius in verba”: Accept nothing on authority.

The current paradigm in evolutionary biology, NeoDarwinism, also called the Modern Evolutionary Synthesis, has been the authority for some 65 years. It is, of course, a mathematical model based on several unquestioned assumptions, hose proof was given by 1940s game theory borrowed from economics.

What we have heard over the last 2 days is empirical evidence that new species arise rapidly, from such mechanisms as symbiogenesis, horizontal DNA transfer, hybridisation, whole genome duplication, interactive systems producing novel emergent properties, and other mechanisms described in Part 2 of my book.

These mechanisms contradict the fundamental tenets of neo-Darwinism, namely:
  1. random gene mutations provide phenotypical characteristics enabling
    successful Darwinian competition;
  2. these random gene mutations spread through a population’s gene pool by
    sexual reproduction;
  3. Darwinian gradualism leads to the genetic transformation of populations
    of individual species members over tens of thousands of generations;
  4. information flows one-way from a gene to a protein in a cell.
Not one whit of empirical evidence shows that new species arise from the neo-Darwinian mechanism.

To the contrary, Darwinian competition causes not the evolution of species but the destruction of species. It is collaboration in its various forms that causes biological evolution. Hence I’m surprised by calls for extending the neo-Darwinian Evolutionary Synthesis. You can’t extend something that is broken. Surely what is needed now, after 65 years, is using the empirical evidence to develop a new paradigm for biological evolution.
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You’re not seriously suggesting that either the article, the journal it is taken from, or any of the scientists it mentions do not believe solidly in evolution, are you? Oh, good.
As Hugh just said, the debate is regarding the details of how mutations are transfered, gradual vs punctuated equilibrium, and other such nuances. Revisions to the theory don’t invalidate the previous theory they just provide more and deeper understanding. Just as Einstein’s relativity didn’t replace Newton’s laws of motion, more modern methods of understanding genetics don’t invalidate existing evolutionary science.
Actually, no. Common descent is what we observe from certain beginning points. In other words, humans are all descended from one original pair
You are avoiding the observable fact: Humans and fungi have common ancestors.
God didn’t create chimps-turning-into-humans but just humans that are humans.
And if God did created chimps that biologically evolved into homosapiens, would that really be a problem for you?

I really don’t get the animosity against evolution.when the Church has made it clear that it does not necessarily conflict with Catholic dogma.
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God made man in His own image, God doesn’t look like a monkey.
What does God look like? Red hair? Hooked nose? Six-pack? Blue eyes? Your familiarity with his appearance is awesome.

"I don’t accept molecules-to-man unguided evolution. This is not because I start with faith and let faith override the findings of science. It’s because I think that if you look at specific areas of natural history, there is clear evidence of intelligent agency, such as in the origin of life, or the Cambrian explosion. These effects in nature are well-studied and well-understood, and they look much more like the code that a computer scientist (like me) writes than the simplistic “order” created by wind erosion or crystalline patterns or anything the blind forces of nature could produce. Blind forces are observed to make small changes – short or long finch beaks, fruit flies with 4 wings and no balancers, bacterial resistances.

What’s also interesting is how often theistic evolutionists drop the theism but keep the evolution."

God made man in His own image, God doesn’t look like a monkey.
What does God look like? Red hair? Hooked nose? Six-pack? Blue eyes? Your familiarity with his appearance is awesome.
Nelka thinks that ‘in His own image’ means that we look like God. I’m afraid that that is the standard of debate in this thread.
Scientists looking a DNA, using the same technology accepted in every court in the world.

Source document?
This is a part of established science, like trees being plants. Just google it. It is not a disputable fact.
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