Why you should think that the Natural-Evolution of species is true

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As evolutionary theories are not science, but rather a mythos of our time
Thank you for showing us that MRSA and DDT resistant insects are a “mythos”.

We have a spare space for you, right next to the chem-trail people.

As a Buddhist you should know that ignorance lies at the heart of human existence and is the ultimate cause of suffering.
As a Buddhist I know that ignorance lies at the heart of the existence of all living beings, gods included. Yes, that does include the Abrahamic God. All you have to do is to compare the number of people the Abrahamic God kills with the number of people the Buddha kills to see where the ignorance lies.

That they are examples of random chemical changes, something not seen in mitochondrial DNA, and pretty much always leading to disease, is one of the assumptions that underlie the illusion of evolution.
The basic thing to understand is that the description given in the Genesis regarding creation of earth in 6 days,creation of two great lights,creation of man from dust etc. was mainly meant for the people of those times when it was originally revealed ,who could readily accept these things with their available knowledge.
You don’t think God could have expressed Himself in Genesis for people of all times?
The fact that Earth is round ;rotating on its axis creating day and night;revolving around the sun ;could not have been created in 6 days but took millions of years etc.were not digestible to people of that time.
Are you serious?
GOD: “Hmmm. I foresee a problem. Humans will not discover hyper-sub-quarks for another 8,726 years three months and sixteen days. Perhaps something less cosmological might work better. Moses, begin a new sheet of papyrus.”
Bogus. …
I don’t accept that. As long as statements were made that clearly said, God did this and God did that. Ancient people built the pyramids in Egypt, which have not been duplicated, even on a smaller scale. The Japanese tried but couldn’t do it.
You don’t think God could have expressed Himself in Genesis for people of all times?
What is the ancient Hebrew for “Deoxyribonucleic Acid”? What is the ancient Hebrew for “proton”?

God used the methods available to the people at the time. You may as well ask why God did not set up a printing press to produce more copies of His word.

What is the ancient Hebrew for “Deoxyribonucleic Acid”? What is the ancient Hebrew for “proton”?
These are current words. What was the Hebrew word for dinosuars?

Remember, God had infused knowledge to Adam and Eve. We do not know the extent.
These have been consistent from the beginning.
Really? How many different Christian denominations are there, all with their different human interpretations of Genesis? Add in all the different Jewish interpretations of Genesis as well and it is obvious that your statement is ludicrously wrong. There are a large number of different human interpretations of Genesis and, since they are all inconsistent, at most one of them can be correct.

These are current words.
But they are ancient objects. DNA and protons both existed at the time Genesis was written. Are we to deny the existence of America because ancient Hebrew has no word for “America”?

God knew of both protons and DNA. He chose not to mention them in Genesis. Genesis is not a science text and it is a gross error to treat it as such. That is one of the fundamental errors of YEC: misclassifying Genesis. “Scripture tells us how to go to heaven, not how the heavens go.”

Sola Scriptura is the cause.
Irrelevant. Whatever the cause, those different interpretations existed and still persist today. Your “consistent from the beginning” above is very obviously incorrect.

There were different interpretations from before the (Christian) Bible was completed.

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