I have just read your post and all the replies to date. I agree with the advice you are getting so far. I reconverted to the Church almost four years ago. My husband and I were married in a Catholic church after he converted from a non-denominational Christian to Catholicism. We both went through an RCIA class in our college town, because I knew little about my faith and had not been confirmed. I am saddened to say that our RCIA class stayed mute on the tough moral issues of our culture, such as contraception, abortion, homosexuality, and divorce. I did not learn the church’s teachings on all of this and why until 4 years ago. My husband did not know the what and whys either until I started witnessing my faith to him.
It has been now three years, since we have struggled to be merely friends in our marriage, while raising our 8,10, and 4 year old children. My husband tolerated my reconversion fairly quietly for a year, but then right at the year mark he severed intimacy with me because of “our lack of commonality on moral issues”. I am blessed that so far he has stood by his initial words three years ago that he “believes in God and that he made a vow to stay with me no matter what and he plans to do so”. The pain for me has been tremendous, but God has carried me! I continue to witness to him my faith, by being who I am, a devout Catholic and child of God, yet I always am aware of his insecurities and fears about God and his Church.
Unfortunately, there are many, many spouses that face this problem in their marriages and there is no “silver bullet” solution for all. However, here is what has helped me and my marriage, so far.
- First, we tried counseling for a few months, but although it helped me greatly, my husband was not willing to be open minded on most issues confronting us.
- I have found a trusted parish priest to help me spiritually with this journey, who understands that divorce for me is not an option. God joined my in marriage, and I trust his redemptive powers! I am in this place for a reason, and someday God will show me the reason.
- I also have a spirtual director through my archdiocese, because my priest spiritual director, is a very busy man, so I do not get to meet with him, but a few times a year. I can go to my archdiocesan director much more frequently.
- This forum and the staff at Catholic Answers has really comforted me with support on the phone, the internet, and radio.
- I go to Mass every Sunday with my children and offer the Mass up for the soul of my husband.
- I also go to either daily Mass or Eucharistic adoration at a parish that has a perpectual adoration chapel to ask God for the grace I need to witness to my husband and to deepen my faith.
- I do much of what SusanL replied to you with the unconditional love and what Pope John Paul II always taught me, which is to love the humanity of my husband. He is made in Christ’s likeness and image whether he wants to be or not. I believe he is yearning for the truth, as I was, whether he is ready to seek it or not.
- I make God my #1 priority in my life and as much as my husband can handle in my children’s. SusanL is also right in that your wife and daughter are watching you to see how this God can help you under this stress. Show them that He can give you strength and abounding love.
- Study the bible for its wisdom on the topic of holding on to your faith while being persecuted.
Riley, finally no matter how your wife treats you be Jesus Christ’s hands, feet, heart, and voice to her. Treat her as a child of God. She will not know what to do with your constant kindness and love. It will puzzle her, but let it glow in all your conversations with her doing this difficult period. Stand true to your faith for your salvation and the salvation of your wife and daughter. I know your witness, love, and compassion can make a difference. Lastly, trust God with all your heart, mind, and soul. He has heard your prayers and is with you, turn to him in the blessed sacrament when you need guidance. He will send the Holy Spirity to guide you. You are where you are supposed to be, doing God’s work!
God Bless you and I will pray for you and your family!