Will Catholics who use artificial birth control go to Hell? ---POLL!

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If the Pope says that God will worry about it, (and he has) then God will worry about it. “whatever you bind on earth shall be bound in heaven and what ever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven”.
I certainly hope not, a poll show that nearly 90% of Catholics in the US use some form of artificial birth control.

That may or may not be very accurate, but even if it is only 50% that’s an awful lot of folks to send below, not that there is any limit to how many can be condemned.

I guess the kicker is, hopefully the vast majority of these folks will be repentant, as almost all Catholics tend to be. Ain’t confession grand !!

Christ’s Peace.
Hi SavedbyHim - you sound like you’re in a similar position as I am. We used NFP when first married and delayed the birth of 3 children until we felt ready. After the third child, one miscarriage, and an overwhemed feeling of taking care of 3 kids, my husband decided to get a vasectomy (please no hate mail either, I have posted once before and felt pretty awful about some of the responses) against my wishes. I can’t use the pill b/c of cancer history in my family and my H felt as though condoms weren’t reliable. I did my best to convince him that we could figure something else out, but he had his mind made up. On one hand posters are saying a wife isn’t obligated to be there for their husband all of the time, but on the other hand is straining a marriage a better option? Should my husband talk to a priest? He isn’t really sorry about what he has done. Keep in mind he is a great and loving husband and father, I’m just sad and afraid that what he has done will in fact send him to hell. Thanks for any constructive insight!
Yes you should both talk to a good priest that understands these matters. And confession too, if you haven’t already…
Yeah, God cared so little about a minor matter he only killed someone for it (Onnan, Gen. 38:8–10). Preventing life and stifling God’s plan is not a minor matter. Plus “the pill” kills babies. How do you know what matters God cares about and what He what does not? That seems rather arrogant, no? He founded the Church to teach us what matters to Him and the Church teaches that using contraception is a grave sin–that means it matters a lot.
Correct me if I’m wrong here, but didn’t God deep-six Onan for refusing to impregnate his sister, rather than for “spilling his seed”? Personally, whether it’s a divine commandment or not, I find the idea of incest much more repellent than contraception or “spanking the puppy”. Just wondering…
It is not a sin for Catholics to use contraceptive devices because that church rule about not using contraceptive devices is just a man made law that is not mentioned in the Bible.

John Yurich:
It is not a sin for Catholics to use contraceptive devices because that church rule about not using contraceptive devices is just a man made law that is not mentioned in the Bible.

Gee John, thanks for that final word on the topic…Moderator please close this thread!!! :rolleyes:

Bye the way, the bible itself says that not everything was written down but revealed to the church fathers by the Holy Spirit. For a more thorough explanation, click here: http://www.catholic.com/library/Scripture_and_Tradition.asp.


Addendum: and your identify yourself as a “Catholic” on your profile …hmmm, let me guess how you voted. :o
It is not our requirement to judge anyone – only GOD will judge us. We are required to live our lives as CHRISTLIKE as we can. Jesus himself said the greatest of all the commandments was LOVE.
Our Blessed Lord showed His love to those who opposed Him by telling them the truth. He told them in no uncertain terms. One of the great crisis in the Church today is that there are those who think they are being charitable by ignoring their duty to teach the truth in season and out of season. We all suffer when we disregard the duty to teach the fullness of the faith.

We need to keep in mind that artifical contraception is intrinsically evil. The act is evil in itself. It is a lie. Those who practise it suffer from its effects whether or not they know that it is gravely wrong. It disorders our thinking and our lives. Dr. Janet Smith has done some marvelous study of this and how it affects marriage. Did you know that contracepting Catholic couples have the same divorce rate as the general population? Couples using natural family planning have a divorce rate under 5%.
The forumer said “unrepentant” in the poll. It is a grave sin to use contraception, so yes it has potential to be a mortal sin. In the poll it says “unrepentant” so you can surmise they have full knowledge and they consent, so indeed it is mortal. Those who die in mortal sin will go to hell.
Here are a few other good references on Birth Control…

Janet Smith: Contraception - Why Not? (Click on Life on the Rock#401 to Listen)

ewtn.com/rock/files/images/LR_03032005.jpgLife on the Rock #401.
**Fr. Francis Mary w/ Dr. Janet Smith. **
Originally aired: 3/3/2005
Theme: “The Moral Life Matters: The Contraception Trap”.


Contraception - Why Not? (by Janet Smith)


Contraception - Why Not? (The CD)


Sin of Onan: Genesis 38 (8-10)

8 3 Then Judah said to Onan, “Unite with your brother’s widow, in fulfillment of your duty as brother-in-law, and thus preserve your brother’s line.” 9 Onan, however, knew that the descendants would not be counted as his; so whenever he had relations with his brother’s widow, he wasted his seed on the ground, to avoid contributing offspring for his brother. 10 What he did greatly offended the LORD, and the LORD took his life too. usccb.org/nab/bible/genesis/genesis38.htm

**Some Forms of Birth Control Can Abort! **

all.org/ (click on letter “C”, then click on “Contraceptives”).

CONTRACEPTION: It facilitates the kind of relationships and even the kind of attitudes and moral character that are likely to lead to abortion. The contraceptive mentality treats sexual intercourse as though it had little natural connection with babies; it thinks of babies as an “accident” of intercourse, as an unwelcome intrusion into a sexual relationship, as a burden. [Janet Smith, Ph.D.]
THE ABORTION CONNECTION: Birth control is a pro-life concern—for a variety of reasons.
THE PILL: Backers say the pill “prevents” abortion. But read the medical literature carefully—that isn’t true.
EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION: The morning after pill, contrary to what you may have heard, does cause abortions.
DEPO-PROVERA: This injectible birth control chemical has side effects—and it can cause abortion.
NORPLANT: This birth control implant is the target of class-action lawsuits because of its reported side effects.
RU-486: Don’t believe those who say this is “birth control.” It’s a high-risk chemical form of abortion.
ANTI-FERTILITY VACCINES: Follow the logic: If a vaccine prevents a disease, fertility (a normal function), therefore, is a disease.
THE IUD: These devices irritate the uterine lining—leading to abortion.
SPERMICIDES: These chemicals are advertised as “safe.” False advertising?
SEASONALE: Promoters tout “only four periods a year.” But it can cause abortion.
THE CONDOM: Safe-sex promoters claim it is the best way to avoid pregnancy and disease. Not exactly.

Face it, Contraception is like a Bulimic! With *Contraception *people want the “gratification” but are not “open to life” which is contrary to God’s Natural Plan.

A Bulimic is similar since they want the “gratification” from food but then stick their finger down their throat because they do not want the “weight” which comes with it!!
I hear that most Catholic couples use artificial birth control and still take communion. If they die unrepentant, will they go to Hell? 🙂
It depends on whether they are Christians or not. It has nothing to do with birth control.
Phil H:
It depends on whether they are Christians or not. It has nothing to do with birth control.
It has everything to do with birth control if they die in a state on unrepentant mortal sin (with God as the judge).
Yeah, God cared so little about a minor matter he only killed someone for it (Onnan, Gen. 38:8–10). Preventing life and stifling God’s plan is not a minor matter. Plus “the pill” kills babies.
Yes, “the pill” does kill babies and it just shocks me how many people don’t know this. We need to put an end to Planned Parenthood brainwashing our children with lies!

**Some Forms of Birth Control Can Abort! **

all.org/ (click on letter “C”, then click on “Contraceptives”).

CONTRACEPTION: It facilitates the kind of relationships and even the kind of attitudes and moral character that are likely to lead to abortion. The contraceptive mentality treats sexual intercourse as though it had little natural connection with babies; it thinks of babies as an “accident” of intercourse, as an unwelcome intrusion into a sexual relationship, as a burden. [Janet Smith, Ph.D.]

THE ABORTION CONNECTION: Birth control is a pro-life concern—for a variety of reasons.

THE PILL: Backers say the pill “prevents” abortion. But read the medical literature carefully—that isn’t true.

EMERGENCY CONTRACEPTION: The morning after pill, contrary to what you may have heard, does cause abortions.

DEPO-PROVERA: This injectible birth control chemical has side effects—and it can cause abortion.

NORPLANT: This birth control implant is the target of class-action lawsuits because of its reported side effects.

RU-486: Don’t believe those who say this is “birth control.” It’s a high-risk chemical form of abortion.

ANTI-FERTILITY VACCINES: Follow the logic: If a vaccine prevents a disease, fertility (a normal function), therefore, is a disease.

THE IUD: These devices irritate the uterine lining—leading to abortion.

SPERMICIDES: These chemicals are advertised as “safe.” False advertising?

SEASONALE: Promoters tout “only four periods a year.” But it can cause abortion.

THE CONDOM: Safe-sex promoters claim it is the best way to avoid pregnancy and disease. Not exactly.

Face it, Contraception is like a Bulimic! With *Contraception *people want the “gratification” but are not “open to life” which is contrary to God’s Natural Plan.

A Bulimic is similar since they want the “gratification” from food but then stick their finger down their throat because they do not want the “weight” which comes with it!!
Nope, we have an obligation to preach the truth. Too many have been silent for too long. How many souls have been lost from not preaching the truth in season and out of season? This is not a light matter. It is not about gossip or judging another’s soul. It is about living the faith and instructing the ignorant that we are all called to do.
…looks a lot like splinters and timbers to me… preach the truth as you should to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his church, but i would suggest telling someone that they will go to hell is beyond your mission… God will decide the fate of each persons soul regardless of your belief’s … only God knows what’s in their heart at the time of their death, weather or not they followed your guidence…

maybe i have an issue with the way the question is worded… only because no one here can provide the ultimate answer but God…
space ghost:
…looks a lot like splinters and timbers to me…
preach the truth as you should to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ and his church, but i would suggest telling someone that they will go to hell is beyond your mission…
Well, no one said we can tell someone they are for sure going to hell. I think what some are saying is that mortal sin, unrepentent, leads one to hell. Contraception is often a mortal sin.
God will decide the fate of each persons soul regardless of your belief’s …
My beliefs?? Does the Church now teach contraception is no longer intrinsically wrong?
only God knows what’s in their heart at the time of their death, weather or not they followed your guidence…
That is not the issue. God will judge their heart. He will judge our hearts as well. Did we have the courage to speak up or were we lukewarm? It is not my private guidance at issue.
maybe i have an issue with the way the question is worded… only because no one here can provide the ultimate answer but God…
It may be a subtle, but the thread seems to me to be about the general notion of ABC and hell. No one is passing judgment on specific souls, but that does not mean we can’t know the truth as God revealed it.
I have a couple questions on this issue:

If a doctor prescribes bc for medical reasons other than preventing birth…Is it still a sin, since it’s still preventing the life of a child?
No, I’d refer you to Humanae Vitae (sp), and the Ask an Apologist line.
Are condoms considered birth control/ sin?
Are there any methods of birth control that are not a sin?
If I took birth control for a little while a long time ago, but at the time didn’t know it was a sin…is it still a sin?
In order to sin you must be in full knowledge that it is a sin.
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