Will not vote for Trump, but no pro-life Democrats?

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Of course. Pope Francis also questioned him being pro life for the breaking up of families
Maybe that was before it came out that Trump was only following the laws that were in place, and using the facilities that were already in place, from when Obama and Bush did the same thing?

Trump has done more for Christians regarding freedom of religion than any other president in memory and he’s also cut funding for abortion internationally. He plans to also work on paid maternity leave (which should help abortion rates and strengthen families, hopefully) and doing something to lower the cost of healthcare. It was a part of his platform and he’s recently said that those issues will be tackled next. Regardless of his past, he’s actually doing things that people of faith should be happy for.

As for the affordability of the affordable care act, I’ve found that for most people it was the opposite. My aunt and uncle had to go uninsured for the first time in their lives because they were self employed and lower middle class. They couldn’t afford $800 per month premiums and a $12,000 deductible. I have a few other self employed friends that also lost their existing insurance plans. Thankfully they found a dr that takes cash pay patients, but they still cannot afford anything major, medically.
My sister and her grown children all saw their premiums and deductibles increase substantially after the ACA was passed. It should have been called the unaffordable care act.
Until the profit motive is taken out of health care, any health care plan will be expensive.
At least the ACA is something.
The GOP has not alternative plan. The plans I have seen would give you credits for health. Say everyone gets $5,000. After that is used up, you are on your own. Anyone who knows about the high cost of a hospital stay or the cost of meds, knows how quick that $5,000 would go.
There is much more to the pro-life issue than abortion.
Life after a child is born.
Making sure that child, especially in the care of those born into poverty, have adequate health care, food, etc.
These two issues must be linked together.
We who are pro-life usually just stop at birth.
There must be a plan for life after birth for these babies.
Lawlow, Ridgerunner is a shill for the GOP. No sense in wasting your posting time. He will come up with some alternative story. Tap dancing around anything factual.
Well, most of the time I’d much rather be enjoying a cold one! I’ll usually give someone a bit of a chance until the tap dancing becomes intolerable.
I will be glad to join you in that cold one. Let the tap dancing begin! 🙂🍺:clinking_glasses:🕺💃
I just listened to a Northern Illinois radio show host, Michael Koolidge–he does a great 2 hour radio show broadcast from Rochelle, IL (a small town), and he grew up in New Jersey, right across from NYC. His topics are usually conservative issues.

For several minutes this morning, he discussed the question you asked me–Has anyone every heard of Donald Trump before he entered politics.

According to Michael–YES! He grew up hearing about Donald Trump, the NYC billiionaire, almost every day! He heard about his marriages and divorces, the scandals, the financial successes and failures. Michael said that everyone knew that Donald Trump had lost a billion dollars, but he came back from it and had more successes. Apparently Mr. Trump built parks, funded something called Strawberry Fields (John Lennon tribute), and was constantly in the public eye, doing something–not always good and moral, but there were many good things.

Michael made it clear that Donald Trump has plenty of failures, and also that his Presidency has not delivered all that he promised, and it’s frustrating for conservatives. But he supports him because the alternatives are not acceptable.
Until the profit motive is taken out of health care,
There has to be profit!

We who work in health care (long hours, risk to our own safety, emotional stress, etc.) would kinda like to continue to receive a paycheck. I like my work, but there is no way I will volunteer to do it!
There has to be profit!
Explain how countries that do not allow for profit primary insurance plans like Switzerland, Germany, Japan etc get by? These countries have no state run healthcare. It is all private companies. Their universal policies are like old BC/BS plans—no profit. They can sell supplemental insurance to make a profit.

Also, these other countries have price controls. The government regulates pharmaceutical prices to prevent the kind of insane prices we have in the US for the very same medicines.
I’m extremely disappointed in President Trump on the abortion front and Republicans in general.

Here is why:
  • The party and it’s members have been talking about stopping abortion for decades
  • The Republicans had control over all branches of government for multiple years and did very little to actually stop or slow abortion, but paid it much lip service with largely symbolic gestures (like the Mexico City Policy) when actual reform was possible
  • Now that the Democrats have gained control of the House, Trump and the Republicans have ratcheted up the jargon now that the chances of reform have been fatally wounded
My thought is that the Republicans talk about abortion as a way to garner support from the voting block that tends to vote on a the single issue of abortion. In a way the Republicans prey on the single-mindedness of that segment. I believe they do not intend to actually make the changes necessary because it would be too messy and hard…

They have essentially taken the position “Why actually do something when we can just talk about it and get re-elected”

No way I can vote for Trump… I do not understand how any christian could.
Medicare and Medicaid actually make the healthcare industry more profitable while making it more expensive. They provide a guaranteed supply of patients (customers) to providers, who know exactly what Medicare or Medicaid will pay for any visit or procedure, so they have them coming back at just those intervals to ensure maxiumum profit. At the same time, overhead costs are hugely increased, as are high paid administrators, as well as coding clerks and compliance officers.

Some physicians practices have withdrawn from the system, accepting no insurance whatsoever. Patients pay the practice directly, and the cost of care is much lower.
When I had my heart attack, $5,000 would’ve paid my local ER and the ambulance ride to the airport, but that’s it. No air evac to the city, no ICU, no cardiologist. I’d still owe $195K.
Here is a good article that discusses some of the international decisions he has made:

US Foreign Policy: There Is Nothing Inherently Wrong with “America First”
From that article

Ziabari: President Trump’s scornful treatment of US allies has been criticized by many commentators, former government officials and pundits in the United States. Why do you think he has adopted such an antagonistic attitude toward traditional partners like Canada and Germany?


Where’s the explanation? Didn’t we just establish a NEW agreement between Canada and Mexico ? Yes. Is it this time fair for the U.S.? Yes.
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There is much more to the pro-life issue than abortion.
True. However abortion is a direct and huge issue in this whole topic.


Consequences described For abortion by Catholis
Life after a child is born.
Making sure that child, especially in the care of those born into poverty, have adequate health care, food, etc.
These two issues must be linked together.
We who are pro-life usually just stop at birth.
There must be a plan for life after birth for these babies.
As you say it’s not either /or but all of it. However, abortion directly ends everything for all
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We must press our people in Washington to take money making out of health care.
The Constitution affords us life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Life comes first.
We live in the wealthiest nation in the world. There is not reason why we should not provide free health care to all.
When more Americans feel as you, and I, do on the issue of pro-life and hold all accountable in Washington, we will be better off.
Of course. Pope Francis also questioned him being pro life for the breaking up of families.
Re: breaking up families

The numbers of illegal migrants (from all over the world) challenging our southern border for citizenship, is staggering. 50,000 - 100,000 + people per month. That’s a large city in itself, every month, of people wanting / expecting citizenship.

We have laws and a process here, for citizenship.

What other country on this planet is dealing with such a deluge of people flaunting the laws of the target country? I can’t think of ONE.

How does a Country, or a border system interview 3,333 + people / day, many/ most non English speaking people, and many coming in with someone else’s kids not their own, ALL to gain citizenship? Then consider one of our political parties of elected officials in this country, called this whole issue a fabricated not a real issue. They denied it was a crisis.

Between the drugs pouring over the southern border, killing huge numbers of Americans/ month and in extension putting our communities in jeopardy as well for all the crime associated with those drugs, yet even THIS statistic of deaths due to drug abuse, doesn’t touch the numbers of abortions/month here in this country.

To be fair on this, Trump doesn’t drink alcohol. nor smoke. He’s never before run for political office or held any public office. Therefore, what we see today, Re: the main issues of the day, He can’t be blamed for causing it…

So far Trump has shown by his actions, his nominations of pro life judges, etc, that he is pro life.
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If we take money making out of health care, who will pay the doctors, nurses, PA’s, EMT workers, hospital staff, medical equipment makers, etc? Who would voluntarily go to medical or nursing school or learn any medical trade if there was no money to be made? Presumably the entire health care industry would have to become civil service workers, one big monopoly.
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