A pedophile is someone who commits pedophilic acts, no? And Pell has been convicted of exactly that, no? Surely we can rightly call him “convicted of pedophilic acts” or “convicted pedophile”? Possibly the conviction is wrong, but even the law doesn’t assume that it is anything but correct - hence his sentence has already been imposed even though his appeal is pending.How would “pedophile” be correct? How do you know he is a pedophile?
What do we really know? We know the man went through two trials with two separate juries. The first didn’t find the evidence convincing by a margin of 10-2. The second found it convincing by 12-0.
It is interesting that people by and large are thinking the second jury is the only one of the two juries that possibly got it wrong. Surely it is equally possible that the it was the first. The first jury may have been stacked with devout Catholics improperly swayed by a desire to protect the Church and/or the Cardinal. The first jurors (or some of them) may have been bribed, coerced or otherwise improperly influenced in their findings in his favour. Maybe the first jurors got it wrong for other reasons.
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