Will there be a Eastern-rite Pope this century?

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The Chieti document is the outline for further talks between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. This could lead to full communion at some point. In our lifetime, I wouldn’t hold my breath.

As has been pointed out on a different thread by @JGD, even St Pope JPII states that “heaven is not a physical place”, therefore perhaps heaven, purgatory and hell are probably best described as a “state of being” even by RC’s
Yes. I would agree that heaven is a living, personal, relationship with the Holy Trinity. But the witness of Holy Tradition is favor of it also being a place with some type of physicality. Christ is still incarnate sitting at the right hand of the Father. He did not discard His body after the Ascension, but rather fully deified it. He remains forever fully God and fully man unto the ages. He ate fish and honeycomb after the Resurrection even as He passed through walls. There is a mystery to this new body that is beyond my experience–but to simply say that Heaven and Hell are a state of being is to discard the physical in favor of overemphasizing the spiritual.
Well… first things first, why would that exactly be charity?
It could be viewed as such by the EO, furthermore papal infallibility wasn’t even defined until Vatican I, hence wasn’t properly used as we now understand it (pope speaking ex cathedra) until Vatican I, the fact that papal infallibility wasn’t used(before Vatican I), as it is used now, doesn’t change the universal truth of papal infallibility even before Vatican I (whew that’s a mouthful).

All of this is to say that if the made up Pope X infallibly declares a promise that papal infallibility (in the form of speaking ex cathedra) will never be exercised over the EOC, is not denying the truth of papal infallibility nor is it totally limiting papal infallibility, as Pope X still retains the authority, as per the agreement for first among equals in this made up scenario, to call and ratify ecumenical council‘s (ecumenical council+ratification of Pope=infallible).
Second, Eastern Orthodoxy would probably have a problem with it being professed.
In reality yes they probably would, but as I said earlier in this made up story let’s say they agree to it.
The Chieti document is the outline for further talks between the Orthodox and Catholic Churches. This could lead to full communion at some point. In our lifetime, I wouldn’t hold my breath.
Hopefully so, but I agree, one would probably be holding their breath for quite a long time.
But who knows, the lord works in mysterious ways, and if He wills it, unification could happen tomorrow.
Until then I will continue to pray for that day.
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It could be viewed as such by the EO, furthermore papal infallibility wasn’t even defined until Vatican I, hence wasn’t properly used as we now understand it (pope speaking ex cathedra) until Vatican I, the fact that papal infallibility wasn’t used(before Vatican I), as it is used now, doesn’t change the universal truth of papal infallibility even before Vatican I (whew that’s a mouthful).
Yes… it was understood that Rome (“First See”) was inerrant mostly. Or that Rome’s Faith will not fail. Back then, it wasn’t as Pope-centric view… but in the end means the same thing as See of Rome does not exist outside it’s Bishop, and Bishop determines where See of Rome is and is not.

While EO would view that as charity, that hardly makes it charity. Definition for charity is not “others view it as such”. It has to be act of love in conformity with the Truth. First may apply, but second one will not in Catholic view…
Pope X infallibly declares a promise
Problem is one can not infallibly declare that. Pope can declare dogmas or something concerning morals… this is neither. It wouldn’t even apply to Catholics, just to succeeding Popes who can disregard this because it does not meet criteria for infallibility.
In reality yes they probably would, but as I said earlier in this made up story let’s say they agree to it.
Well, some people on CAF said that Orthodoxy does not actually view Papal Infallibility as negatively because it is likely not going to be used anymore. I am not exactly sure about how this works. I’ve read one Orthodox article explain how Catholic definition of Papal Infallibility isn’t even a problem because it states how Pope basically guards what was handed down and does not make something new. I am not entirely sure… after all Orthodoxy is somewhat complicated because “as a whole”, it has no really united view on Rome or Catholicism at that.
the lord works in mysterious ways, and if He wills it, unification could happen tomorrow
Lord does will it of course… for us to be one. But He will allow us to live in division humans have created per His infinite justice. Likewise, through his mercy He may unite us whenever He wishes to. I do think that Chieti Document went into correct sources but somehow disregarded them while writing the summary. In the footnotes it clearly states that Popes could re-judge any trial anywhere according to Sardica (and implied heavily by Chalcedon)… yet states Popes had no jurisdiction over East. This fiction would mean that Popes could hold re-trials but they were not binding- something that canons do not imply. All in all, I think terminology in Chieti Document is pretty off- it should state that Popes exercised no immediate jurisdiction over East… but jurisdiction in appellate form was present. I actually learned a lot about defending history of Papal jurisdiction from Chieti Document… but from footnotes mostly.
Yes… it was understood that Rome (“First See”) was inerrant mostly. Or that Rome’s Faith will not fail. Back then, it wasn’t as Pope-centric view…
Exactly, and I think for arguments sake, that the EOC (at least in my scenario) could possibly except this view of papal infallibility, I think the Pope-centric formula is the major stumbling block for the East.
Problem is one can not infallibly declare that. Pope can declare dogmas or something concerning morals… this is neither. It wouldn’t even apply to Catholics, just to succeeding Popes who can disregard this because it does not meet criteria for infallibility.
Either the Pope can make an infallible proclamation (ex cathedra) or he can’t, it’s not either or either, and if Pope X infallibly proclaims something, Pope Y and Pope Z etc. cannot disregard it otherwise they disprove the whole point of papal infallibility.
Furthermore I don’t see how It doesn’t fit the criteria for infallibility, the Pope can speak infallibly on doctrinal matters of faith and morals, and I would say that this fits the bill,
for example: it’s not like infallibly declaring Burger King has the best cheeseburger, or that Wednesday is the best day of the week, infallible statements on matters such as these are not doctrinal matters of faith and morals and therefore would be non-binding,
but infallibly (ex cathedra) proclaiming not to exercise papal infallibility (ex cathedra) over the EOC (if correctly worded and defined) is a doctrinal matter of faith and is hence binding.
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Heaven and Hell are both a place and a state. They are places because Our Lord said so (Matt. 25: 31-46). They are states because the soul is immaterial.

The body will share in the glorification (or not) of the soul.

Example: Someone has arthritis. If the person dies in the state of sanctifying grace they will go to heaven either directly or via purgatory. When the person gets to heaven there will be infinite joy “…where there is no pain, no sorrow, no mourning but life everlasting.” (Panakhyda)

If the person dies in the state of mortal sin, that person will suffer infinitely more than arthritis in hell. They will hate God, the fallen angels, the other souls in hell. There is no peace for the wicked says Scripture. A person will be utterly alone yet surrounded by hatred.

True story: 10+ years ago on retreat, the priest (SSPX) gave me as my penance the Jesus Prayer, practically the easiest penance in the world.

I came home, went outside on the porch, and started to do the Jesus Prayer. All of a sudden, everything within me said NO. I know this sounds crazy but at that point, I felt like I was in hell. If God had taken me at that point I wouldn’t be typing this today.

It’s now 2020 and I’m just beginning to say the Jesus Prayer.

+O God, be merciful to me, a sinner.
+O God, cleanse me of my sins and have mercy on me.
+I have sinned without number; forgive me, O Lord.
The date of Easter is not a dogma.
More than not a dogma–both calendars don’t get it right.

Nicea gave an astronomical calculation. Alexandria created tables to make it easier (the old/Julian calendar). As it fell out of synchronization do tho the leap day errors, butthe Gregorian calendar was promulgated to correct the error-but the Gregorian isn’t always right, either!

In fact, last year (or wa s it 2018) both missed the correct date as prescribed by Nicea . . .
So would you say Christianity is False Religion in China but true Religion in Europe?

It’s also a different day of the week in east and west for much of the day. While it is true that it is Sunday in Constantinople, it is simultaneously true that it is Monday in Las Vegas . . .

[ok, that may be backwards, I usually get it backwards]
That is the Catholic POV. There are those who disagree saying the date of Easter is more than that.
Yet those folks calculate it with a calendar that yields a result contrary to Nicea . . .

[I"ve always been baffled by this; I would expect the Orthodox and Rome to be on the opposite sides of this split that puts a table over the decrees of a council . . ]
No. 1+1 does not equal 2 if you are adding velocities according to relativity. For example if c is the speed of light c+c does not equal 2c.
This just shows that you’re bad at relativistic Physics . . . simply adding relativistic velocities is not a linear operation . . .
in the case when v is near the speed of light.
you don’t even have to be near the speed; it’s just that for human observable speeds, the error is below the threshold of measurement.
I would agree that heaven is a living, personal, relationship with the Holy Trinity.
Heaven is with God, and not-Heaven is without God.

The rest is details that won’t affect our salvation . . .
I don’t see how It doesn’t fit the criteria for infallibility
Because having to abstain from something dogmatic is not a dogma. Actually dogma is quite contrary… combine dogmas of “Pope can speak infallibly” and “Truth is not relative”… and you just got contradiction in what the Pope X said. Not only does that go against principle of charity and revealed Truth, it kinda does not concern anything dogmatic. There is no article of faith handed down to Successors of Peter that says they shouldn’t exercise their ministry to assist East. On the contrary, actually. And infallibility was not given to Peter’s Successors to make up new faith, but to preserve what has been handed down (that’s part of declaration of dogma of Papal Infallibility IIRC), hence this directly contradicts very dogmatic declaration of Papal Infallibility itself.

I think that unity with Orthodox Church will come when Rome gets decentralized and they come to understanding of our dogmas and doctrine, and we come to theirs. That is what dialogue is for. Well… one side could also see that they are wrong and just give up but I don’t think that’s necessarily plausible and does not necessarily need to unity.
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It’s also a different day of the week in east and west for much of the day. While it is true that it is Sunday in Constantinople, it is simultaneously true that it is Monday in Las Vegas . . .
Well, quite popular “dad joke” over here is that if you ask someone “What time is it?”, they ask “Where?”. It’s not that Truth is relative, it is that definitions matter. I can answer with any time (well, not any but you get the idea) and be correct because it indeed is that time somewhere on the planet… and if we disregard timezones and go by true geographical local time, one can even say it is any time without the things in the brackets. That does not mean Truth is relative, but that question is worded ambiguously… something we have learned to live with, but as a programmer you notice these kinds of things 😃
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If I have it straight, the Sunday following the first full moon after the equinox.

It didn’t specify where the observation had been taken.

Anyway, this being hard to do in the fourth century, the antiochan tables were created which usually got it right, but depended on the incorrect Julian (pagan) calendar. This was, iirc, a 28 year cycle.

The Gregorian calendar dealt with this with, iirc, an 84 year cycle–which gets it right far more often, but not always.

It has always seemed to me that the solution to these is to toss both sets of tables and use actual observations, with Jerusalem being the obvious choice.

the point, though, is that the copuncildid not promulgate the way that either East or West uses. Rather, both attempt to approximate it by tables.
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